
Showing 151 - 175 of 1165 results
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 4 October 2023), the average price of Perth’s regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by over 30 cents per...
Consumer Protection
Media release
03 Oct 2023
As school holidays approach, a reminder that quad bikes and kids are a dangerous, and potentially deadly, mix. Since 2020, nine West Australians have been killed on quad bikes - two of them this year, including a girl aged under 10. Nationally, quad bikes are a leading cause of serious injury and death on Australian farming properties with 71 people killed, including 11 children, since 2017...
Consumer Protection
Media release
28 Sep 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today, motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 27 September 2023), the average price of Perth’s regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 29 cents per...
Consumer Protection
Media release
26 Sep 2023
The search is on for outstanding WA individuals, organisations and groups who are strong advocates for consumer rights, with nominations open for the prestigious 20th anniversary Consumer Protection Awards. The awards shine a spotlight on the great work being carried out in the community, such as offering advice, assistance and education; lobbying for change; creating greater understanding of...
Consumer Protection
Media release
21 Sep 2023
Be alert to toys and novelty items with dangerous button batteries Eight infringements handed out last year for unsafe products Infringement notices will be issued if non-compliant products are identified during the Show The Perth Royal Show is a fun day out for families but parents are being warned to be alert to potentially unsafe novelty items and toys. In 2022, Consumer Protection product...
Consumer Protection
Media release
20 Sep 2023
Travelling conmen target WA consumers as part of international based scam Thirty-one reports in nine months totalling payments of over $264,000 Commissioner for Consumer Protection says avoid these scam con artists who leave you with dodgy work Consumer Protection is warning WA home and business owners to avoid dealing with at least eight road construction companies currently travelling around...
Consumer Protection
Media release
19 Sep 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 20 September 2023), the average price of Perth’s regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 30 cents per...
Consumer Protection
Media release
19 Sep 2023
Money is not the only thing scammers are looking to steal these days – your personal identification can be just as valuable to them. As part of their ruse, scammers posing as legitimate organisations or government service providers often pretend to need copies of your driver’s licence and passport to verify your identity, when their actual aim is to steal it. Having your identity stolen can cause...
Consumer Protection
Media release
14 Sep 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today, motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 13 September 2023), the average price of Perth’s regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 31 cents per...
Consumer Protection
Media release
12 Sep 2023
Consumer Protection disciplines real estate agent for racist conduct Email accused Indian immigrants of “turning our beautiful country into filth” WA tenants urged to speak out and report racist behaviour Consumer Protection Commissioner Trish Blake has promised to stand behind any tenant calling out racist behaviour within the WA real estate industry. “There is no place for racism in society –...
Consumer Protection
Media release
08 Sep 2023
Money is not the only thing scammers are looking to steal these days – your personal identification can be just as valuable to them. As part of their ruse, scammers posing as legitimate organisations or government service providers often pretend to need copies of your driver’s licence and passport to verify your identity, when their actual aim is to steal it. Having your identity stolen can cause...
Consumer Protection
Media release
07 Sep 2023
Whether it’s a gym, streaming service, or dating site you’re signed up to, it can be tricky keeping track of how much money is leaving your bank account each month to pay for subscriptions and memberships. These small, but regular, costs can soon add up and contribute to cost of living pressures, so it can be worthwhile taking the time to see which services are worth keeping and which ones aren’t...
Consumer Protection
Media release
07 Sep 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today, motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 6 September 2023), the average price of Perth’s regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 31 cents per...
Consumer Protection
Media release
05 Sep 2023
Scammers stealing money and ID from seniors WA Seniors Card membership is free of charge and only available via Contact ID Care immediately if you gave out your ID or your bank if you paid a fee Western Australian seniors are being targeted by scammers through a fake WA Seniors Card website requesting money and multiple forms of personal identification. The fake website...
Consumer Protection
Media release
31 Aug 2023
Everyone has the right to privacy in their own homes, and those living in rental properties across Western Australia are certainly no exception. Claims of private landlords and property managers arriving unannounced for inspections, maintenance and rent collection are fairly common issues reported to Consumer Protection – in the past two years, our team has fielded 177 enquiries and 36 complaints...
Consumer Protection
Media release
30 Aug 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 30 August 2023), the average price of Perth’s regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 31 cents per...
Consumer Protection
Media release
29 Aug 2023
Personal information hacked and leaked to the dark web Major breach affects more than 70 Australian charities Public urged to be on high alert for uninvited calls, texts and emails Western Australians who have made financial donations to charities in the last 10 years or more are being urged to beware of scams following reports of a major data breach of a telemarketing company holding donor...
Consumer Protection
Media release
24 Aug 2023
Many shoppers like to ‘tap-and-go’ when paying for purchases, while others like to hand-over cash, but one thing all consumers have in common is the right to receive a receipt if they want one. Consumer Protection was concerned recently to hear claims that a retailer in WA had denied a consumer’s request for a paper receipt, citing ‘company policy’ and pointing them to their own bank statement...
Consumer Protection
Media release
23 Aug 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 23 August 2023), the average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 30 cents per litre (cpl)...
Consumer Protection
Media release
22 Aug 2023
Nominations now open for 2024 Consumer Protection Awards Seeking consumer rights educators and advocates, including the media Individuals, organisations and groups urged to submit a nomination The search is on for outstanding individuals, organisations, groups and the media who advocate for and promote consumer rights in WA, with nominations open for the prestigious 20 th anniversary Consumer...
Consumer Protection
Media release
17 Aug 2023
There’s a lot to consider when buying a used car, such as your budget and what type of vehicle will suit your needs, but of utmost importance is ensuring you don’t drive away with a lemon. We recently issued a warning against licensed car dealer Ventura Autos, after receiving 136 complaints about the selling of unroadworthy vehicles, in breach of the Australian Consumer Law. During their...
Consumer Protection
Media release
17 Aug 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 16 August 2023), the average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 30 cents per litre (cpl)...
Consumer Protection
Media release
15 Aug 2023
Many consumers don’t have the time or patience to read the long lists of terms and conditions that often accompany the products and services they buy, but at least they can take comfort knowing they will soon be better-protected if any of those contracts are not fair. That’s because the Australian Consumer Law has recently been amended to introduce penalties for businesses that present contracts...
Consumer Protection
Media release
09 Aug 2023
Motorists in Perth and Mandurah are advised to fill up now if they need to, with petrol prices set to rise tomorrow. After today motorists will likely have to wait a week before petrol prices are again at the bottom of the price cycle. FuelWatch reports that, from 6am tomorrow (Wednesday 9 August 2023), the average price of regular unleaded petrol (ULP) will increase by 28 cents per litre (cpl)...
Consumer Protection
Media release
08 Aug 2023
New checklist for used car buyers to protect consumers from buying a lemon Legislative changes will require WA car dealers to disclose repairable write-off status Changes protect used car buyers from repairable write-offs when buying from a dealer In the past three years 259 people reported being scammed while buying a car online The Cook Government is driving change to make West Australian roads...
Consumer Protection
Media release
04 Aug 2023
