
Showing 51 - 75 of 95 results
The state Farm Employees Award has been updated by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC). The award variation is effective from 1 July 2023. The changes to this WA award include: new provisions for part time employees, including a requirement for employees and employers to agree in writing on hours of work; an updated definition for the Farm Tradesperson classification;...
Labour Relations
Media release
17 May 2023
In March, Private Sector Labour Relations industrial inspectors conducted a proactive compliance campaign in the South-West region of WA. Industrial inspectors visited almost 70 businesses in Bunbury, Busselton, Dunsborough and Margaret River. The campaign focused on inspecting businesses with known high levels of non-compliance, such as cafes and restaurants, hairdressers and beauty salons...
Labour Relations
Department News
08 May 2023
During the school holidays many young workers will be keen to earn some extra money by working over the break, but in Western Australia there are restrictions on where and when children under 15 can work. Employers, parents and young workers need to know that children who are 13 or 14 can only work in a shop, fast food outlet, cafe, restaurant or deliver newspapers or other advertising material...
Labour Relations
Department News
11 Apr 2023
The owner of the now closed Indian Garden Restaurant in North Perth, Kuldeep Jodha, has been fined $33,850 by the Industrial Magistrates Court for failing to comply with a court order to produce employment records. An industrial inspector from the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety issued Mr Jodha with two notices to produce employment records in 2020 as part of a proactive...
Labour Relations
Media release
28 Mar 2023
In June 2022, new employment obligations were introduced for people who directly employ someone to provide domestic services in their home. These people are referred to here as household employers. People who self-manage NDIS funding and directly employ their own support staff are likely to be household employers. Wageline has a publication specifically for household employers who employ a...
Labour Relations
Department News
20 Feb 2023
Western Australia’s laws about when children can work apply during both school terms and in school holidays. Children of compulsory school age are not permitted to work during the hours when the child is required to attend school (or otherwise participate in an educational program of school). There are restrictions on the type of job and working hours for children under 15 years of age. These...
Labour Relations
Department News
30 Jan 2023
Higher penalties have been introduced for employers who contravene state employment laws or do not provide employees their legal employment entitlements. Under the new penalty provisions: maximum penalties for contravening an entitlement provision (for example, a provision of a WA award) have increased from $2,000 to $65,000 for bodies corporate and $13,000 for individuals maximum penalties for...
Labour Relations
Department News
16 Jan 2023
The owner of cafe Busselton Bean & Gone, Roger Clark, has been fined $7,725 by the Industrial Magistrates Court for failing to comply with a court order to produce employment records. An industrial inspector from the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety issued Mr Clark with two notices to produce employment records in 2021 as part of a proactive compliance campaign in the...
Labour Relations
Media release
20 Dec 2022
A range of new provisions were introduced in June 2022 in the state industrial relations system to increase employee protections and assist in combatting wage theft. The changes include new provisions which prohibit: employers compelling an employee to accept goods, accommodation or other services of any kind instead of money as part of the employee’s pay (‘payment in kind’) employers...
Labour Relations
Department News
14 Dec 2022
Employers, parents and young people need to know all the special rules that apply when young people are working during the school holidays. Western Australia’s laws which restrict the types of jobs and work children can be employed to do, and the hours they can work, apply all year around. There are restrictions on the types of businesses that can employ children under 15 years of age. Children...
Labour Relations
Department News
07 Dec 2022
The Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission varied the state Electrical Contracting Industry Award to increase allowances on 24 November 2022. The variations take effect from the first pay period on or after 24 November 2022. Wageline’s WA award summary has been updated with the new allowance rates and can be viewed at A full copy of the award can be...
Labour Relations
Department News
06 Dec 2022
The Long Service Leave Act 1958 (LSL Act) applies to many state and national system employers and employees in Western Australia. On 20 June 2022, record keeping requirements under the LSL Act changed. Employers now need to keep additional long service leave records for each employee, and there are significant new penalties for not keeping required records, or keeping an employment record that...
Labour Relations
Department News
30 Nov 2022
State system employers are prohibited from advertising employment at a rate of pay that is less than the minimum wage applicable to the job. Enforcement action can be taken against an employer who has advertised employment at a rate of pay below the legal minimum and penalties apply. This provision is one of the new employment protections introduced by the Industrial Relations Legislation...
Labour Relations
Department News
23 Nov 2022
In June 2022, new compliance and enforcement provisions were introduced that provided enhanced powers and a new range of compliance tools that can be used by industrial inspectors. These new tools include the ability for industrial inspectors to issue compliance notices, infringement notices, and to enter into enforceable undertakings. Recently, industrial inspectors have commenced issuing...
Labour Relations
Department News
17 Nov 2022
The owners of two Perth cafes have been penalised a total of $14,300 for failing to produce employment records to an industrial inspector. Ahmed El Sayed Imam and Yan Desiree Hui - the owners of Sinamon café’s two locations at Victoria Park and Mt Lawley – were required by law to produce the employment records but failed to do so. Industrial inspectors from the Department of Mines, Industry...
Labour Relations
Media release
15 Nov 2022
The entitlement to two weeks’ unpaid pandemic leave has been extended for private sector state system employees. The unpaid pandemic leave provisions were implemented through the COVID-19 General Order issued by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission on 25 March 2022. The General Order now applies until 31 January 2023, unless extended. The COVID-19 General Order applies to...
Labour Relations
Department News
27 Sep 2022
It is nearly time for the Perth Royal Show, and Wageline is giving a timely reminder to all business owners, parents and young workers about children working at the Royal Show. There are restrictions on the ages children can work in Western Australia, and these laws apply to all workplaces including retail outlets, mobile food vans, and amusement rides at the Royal Show. Business owners and...
Labour Relations
Department News
13 Sep 2022
In the 2021/22 financial year, Private Sector Labour Relations industrial inspectors recovered $797,977 in unpaid wages and leave entitlements for employees covered by state employment laws. A total of 216 complaints lodged with Private Sector Labour Relations resulted in $514,693 being recovered for employees, with a further $197,367 recovered through ongoing proactive compliance campaigns in...
Labour Relations
Department News
20 Jul 2022
On 23 June 2022, the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission increased the state minimum wage and all pay rates in WA awards effective from the first pay period on or after 1 July 2022. The state minimum wage for adult employees (21 and over) has increased by $40.90 per week to $887.40 per week. WA award rates of pay have increased with award rates below $887.40 increasing by $40.90...
Labour Relations
Department News
01 Jul 2022
Wageline now has available the 1July 2022 versions of its WA award summaries which include the new rates of pay that will apply from the first pay period on or after 1 July 2022, and has published the new state minimum rates of pay for award free employees. Visit for the July 2022 award summaries Visit for the new minimum...
Labour Relations
Department News
30 Jun 2022
Employers should start the new financial year right by making sure they are keeping the correct employment records. Additional record keeping obligations and pay slip requirements for state system employers commenced on 20 June 2022 Visit the Employment records – employment obligations page for details on record keeping requirements
Labour Relations
Department News
29 Jun 2022
A minimum entitlement to five days’ unpaid family and domestic violence leave has been introduced for all employees in the state industrial relations system. An employee is able to take unpaid family and domestic violence leave if: the employee is experiencing family and domestic violence; and the employee needs to do something to deal with the impact of the family and domestic violence; and it...
Labour Relations
Department News
27 Jun 2022
It is now compulsory for all employers in state industrial relations system to provide their employees with pay slips containing specific information. The new pay slip requirements commenced on 20 June 2022, along with expanded employment record keeping obligations for employers. Employers now face significant penalties for not providing a pay slip, or providing a pay slip that is false or...
Labour Relations
Department News
23 Jun 2022
The Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission has today increased the state minimum wage and all pay rates in WA awards effective from the first pay period on or after 1 July 2022. The state minimum wage for adult employees (21 and over) will increase by $40.90 per week to $819.90 per week. State award rates of pay will also increase, with award rates below $887.40 increasing by $40.90...
Labour Relations
Department News
23 Jun 2022
The WA Long Service Leave Act applies to many state and national system employers and employees in Western Australia. On 20 June 2022, a number of important changes to the Long Service Leave Act commenced. Key changes include: Modernisation of the types of paid and unpaid absences that count towards long service leave accrual; Provision for greater flexibility in how long service leave is taken;...
Labour Relations
Department News
22 Jun 2022
