
Showing 101 - 125 of 444 results
This information sheet is intended to provide information and support, and steps to take if a worker has been sexually harassed or bystander witnessing sexual harassment at work. This information...
06 Aug 2024
This poster contains information on the steps to take as a bystander witnessing sexual harassment. This poster is also available in the following languages: Arabic Traditional Chinese Simplified...
06 Aug 2024
Farming equipment used to lift, transfer and support bins and crates on and off a truck bed is commonly known as a Hobbs Hoist. A farmer was fatally injured when a Hobbs Hoist supporting a seeder bin...
23 Jul 2024
Farms are unique workplaces. The combination of hazards and the nature of the work makes agriculture one of the most dangerous sectors in which to work. This Guide provides farmers with a foundation...
Guide / handbook
22 Jul 2024
Engineered stone ban From 1 July 2024 the use, supply and manufacture of engineered stone slabs, panels and benchtops of engineered stone is banned in Western Australia. This Code remains available...
Code of practice
10 Jul 2024
This information sheet provides advice for people with management or control of a workplace where soil is contaminated with asbestos containing material (ACM) and those involved in inspecting,...
04 Jul 2024
In 2021, two workers were involved in a near miss incident beneath a swinging suspended load while decommissioning part of a monopod offshore platform in the northern waters of Western Australia. The...
28 Jun 2024
This information sheet provides information on human factors for operators to consider in their hazard and operability analysis (HAZOP) processes. HAZOP is a widely used and comprehensive method for...
25 Jun 2024
Guildelines provide more information on the requirements of legislation and details good practice. Alcohol and other drugs at the workplace - guideline Dealing with bullying at work - guideline...
Guidance note
14 Jun 2024
You can improve the safety of masonry walls during construction work with good planning and preparation, risk management and (where required) temporary supports.
Guide / handbook
12 Jun 2024
Recently, several incidents have occurred where workers have been seriously injured while working with a pipe wrench and a drilling rod on a live drill rig. In December 2021, WorkSafe prosecuted an...
06 Jun 2024
This mines safety matters pamphlet contains information on the hazards and recommended safe work practices when travelling in remote locations. The hazards Extreme weather conditions, remoteness and...
17 May 2024
Purpose of strategy To continue to drive improvements in the workplace management of hazardous dusts and protect workers from harm. Focus areas Asbestos Found extensively in older WA building...
16 May 2024
WorkSafe’s Dust strategy 2023–24 is driving improvements in the management of hazardous dusts to protect workers from harm. It forms part of Priority Three - Respiratory hazards within the WorkSafe:...
16 May 2024
If you are an RTO submitting applications for high risk work licences online, on behalf of your students, you will need the applicant to complete this form. Attach the completed form with the...
Form – application
07 May 2024
The Work Health and Safety Commission criteria for accreditation require each provider of an accredited training course for health and safety representatives to submit an annual report on the delivery of courses for the year ending the preceding 30 June.
22 Apr 2024
The department has translated Information sheet The health and safety duty of an officer in different languages. Who is an officer? Having the word ‘officer’ in your work title is not what makes...
18 Apr 2024
This information should be used by anyone engaged in mining operations in Western Australia that involve or have the potential to involve naturally occurring radioactive material. This includes...
Guide / handbook
15 Apr 2024
The health monitoring form for silica s hould be used by a registered medical practitioner to notify WorkSafe.
Form – notification
08 Apr 2024
The mine operator should use this form to apply to the regulator for a person who is appointed to a key statutory position for a mine to be appointed to a statutory position for another mine.
Form – notification
05 Apr 2024
The mine operator should use this form to notify the regulator that they consider mining operations being carried out in conjunction with one another can/should be regarded as separate mines
Form – notification
05 Apr 2024
This guide is intended to provide mine operators with information to develop and implement a radiation management plan (RMP) that meets legislative requirements and minimises the potential exposure...
Guide / handbook
02 Apr 2024
Pursuant to regulation 684 of the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 (WHS Regulations), I have determined on my own initiative to grant an exemption from the requirement to use an...
28 Mar 2024
Under the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022, clearance inspections must be conducted for all licensed asbestos removal work and a clearance certificate in writing must be issued...
28 Mar 2024
This guide provides operators with assistance to meet their obligations for validation of proposed operations and proposed significant changes to operations as set out in the Work Health and Safety (...
Guide / handbook
26 Mar 2024
