Not for profit


This information is designed to help WA organisations and their associated workforces (including volunteers) understand the work health and safety laws. Amendments to Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 (WHS General Regulations) and Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 (WHS...
Work health and safety laws
The regulator can grant a group of people an exemption from complying with a regulation of the Work Health and Safety Regulations. These are referred to as a class exemptions. It is important to read class exemptions closely to see if they apply to you, and if you cannot meet all of the conditions...
Class exemptions
A 'notifiable incident' means: the death of a person; or a serious injury or illness of a person; or a dangerous incident . Need to report a notifiable incident? Preserve the site and contact WorkSafe immediately . The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 introduced the term ‘person conducting a...
Report an incident
If a ‘dangerous incident’ arises through the conduct of a business or undertaking the regulator must be notified immediately. Where the dangerous incident is currently life-threatening, the PCBU should ensure the regulator is notified by calling 1800 678 198 (24 hours). Where the dangerous incident...
Report an incident
How can I comply with the work health and safety laws? Under the Work Health and Safety and Regulations 2022 (WHS Regulations), duty holders will be required to manage the risk of falls at workplaces, as prescribed by the following regulations: Regulation 78 Management of risk of fall Regulations...
Slips and trips and falls
WorkSafe takes a systems based approach to the prevention of inappropriate workplace behaviours, such as bullying, harassment (including sexual harassment ) and workplace violence/aggression (including sexual assault ). WorkSafe inquiries focus on the systems in place at a workplace to prevent and...
Ask a question or make a complaint
Questions asked during Safe Work Month Webinar on 30 October 2020 have been compiled along with the department's responses. Commencement When did the Work Health and Safety Act receive assent? The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) was assented to by the Governor on 10 November 2020. However...
Legislation, codes and guidance materials
Conduct of collectors The reputation of a charitable organisation can impact its ability to fundraise and collectors need to be respectful in their dealings with the public. Any information provided about the nature of the organisation or how donations will be used must be true and correct. If...
Donating to charitable purposes
The public’s generosity when responding to a disaster or tragic event is seen by scammers as an opportunity to profit from other people’s misfortune. The best way to avoid being scammed, is to deal directly with licensed charities. Follow these tips to ensure that your donations get to the right...
Donating to charitable purposes
There are a variety of ways to raise money for charitable purposes. Before commencing any fundraising activity, an organisation should make sure that it is familiar with any relevant legislative requirements and any necessary permits are in place. Door to door collections A licence holder may carry...
Fundraising activities



Employers have a duty of care under occupational safety and health laws (OSH) to ensure workers are not exposed to hazards in the workplace, as far as practicable. The workplace can be defined...
22 Nov 2021
It's important for employers and workers to be prepared for the risks associated with cleaning up after a natural disaster. This publication has important health and safety information for cleaning...
05 Jan 2023
On 11 January 2021, the Department received a report of an incident at a mine site where an electronic cigarette (vape) battery spontaneously ignited in a worker’s pocket while he was travelling in a...
23 Feb 2021
The Digital DMIRS Strategy seeks to improve the department’s operations and service delivery through the effective use of technology. Some goals of the strategy are to modernise digital systems and...
23 Dec 2020
Purpose of the Guideline This Guideline assists the public to understand the circumstances where the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety - Consumer Protection Division (...
Consumer Protection
Guidance note
04 Dec 2023
Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety – Consumer Protection Division – Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA) – Regulatory approach in response to COVID-19 This Statement sets...
Consumer Protection
04 Dec 2023
Self-check to help your Governing Body (i.e. Management Committee or Board) identify any areas of non-compliance with the Charitable Collections Act 1946 . Checklist for: Management responsibilities...
Consumer Protection
02 Mar 2023
Organisations who collect donations from the public for charitable purposes are required to keep collection records and prepare financial reports under the Charitable Collections Act 1946 (the Act)...
Consumer Protection
Fact sheet
17 Jul 2020
There are a variety of ways to raise money for charitable purposes. Before commencing any fundraising activity, an organisation should make sure that it is familiar with any relevant legislative...
Consumer Protection
17 Jul 2020
The decision makers for a licensed charitable collector have a responsibility to ensure that public monies raised for charitable purposes are used efficiently and effectively for the benefit of the...
Consumer Protection
17 Jul 2020



Under OSH legislation, employers are required to provide and maintain, as far as is practicable, a working environment in which their workers are not exposed to health risks. This includes situations where employees and contractors may be at risk of contracting viruses such as the COVID-19 coronavirus. Employers need to keep up to date with the latest health warnings from the Australian and WA...
10 Mar 2020
On Thursday 20 February, the Work Health and Safety Bill 2019 passed through the Legislative Assembly of the Western Australian Parliament. The Hon Bill Johnston MLA, Minister for Mines and Petroleum and Industrial Relations said: “I am pleased that the Work Health and Safety Bill has now passed the Legislative Assembly. “The McGowan Government recognises the importance of these reforms and hopes...
Department News
25 Feb 2020
Our offices will be closed from Wednesday 25 December 2019 to Wednesday 1 January 2020. Normal services will return on Thursday 2 January 2020. For urgent enquiries please visit our contact page.
Department News
04 Dec 2019
The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) is conducting a stakeholder satisfaction survey to invite feedback on our services and our role as a regulator. The results will help DMIRS focus on business areas and services that need performance improvements. If you subscribe to a DMIRS email newsletter or subscriber news service, you may be contacted by email and invited to take...
Consumer Protection
Department News
29 Apr 2019
A family in mourning over the death of a child from toppling furniture has won a Consumer Protection Award, along with a consumer advocate, a community support group and an ABC reporter. The winners were announced by Commerce Minister John Quigley during a presentation breakfast at the University Club of WA. Reef Kite was almost two years old when he was killed in October 2015 when a chest of...
Consumer Protection
Media release
06 Mar 2019
The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety’s inaugural Annual Report, tabled in Parliament on 19 September 2018, is now available on the website . The 2017-18 report highlights the department’s key achievements and financial performance for the last financial year and showcases what we do for the community of Western Australia. The report also includes independently audited reports...
Department News
25 Oct 2018
With Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner Gary Newcombe The Syrian refugee crisis has prompted an outpouring of public support for those in need of aid. Consumer Protection would like to remind Western Australians, who try to make a difference through charitable donations, to choose an established humanitarian charity. Charities in Western Australia need to be licensed and you can check...
Consumer Protection
Department News
25 Sep 2015


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