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WorkSafe is conducting a proactive inspection program to look at safety issues in fuel retailing outlets across WA.
The program will continue until the end of the 2018/19 financial year, and will include service stations selling all brands of fuel in metropolitan and regional areas of the State.
WorkSafe Director Sally North said today an inspection program was being undertaken in this area because workers were at risk on a number of fronts.
“Service station attendants face the very real possibility of violence and aggression on their shifts, especially during armed holdups,” Ms North said.
“We will be checking that employers in fuel retailing have procedures in place to respond to holdups or aggressive behaviour from customers.
”They also often work alone and need to guard against all the risks this involves, so WorkSafe’s Inspectors will be checking that employers have procedures in place to protect employees who must work alone.”
During this inspection program, inspectors will be concentrating on priority areas including hazardous substances, electricity, mobile plant and vehicle movement, guarding of plant and slips, trips and falls.
The inspectors will also focus on the procedures the employer has in place in the event of an armed holdup and for managing violence and aggression from customers, and more sector-specific concerns including maintenance of plant such as hoists and fuel bowsers.
The inspections will be conducted with the aid of a checklist to ensure consistency across all workplaces.
“A wide range of workplace safety issues exists for employees at fuel outlets, and it is time we looked at the issues in this sector,” Ms North said.
“WorkSafe has an extensive schedule of proactive inspection programs concentrating on particular industries or activities and aimed at providing employers and employees with information on how to make workplaces safer.
“The primary focus is to deliver information to employers, but enforcement action will be taken during the program if breaches of the laws are found.
“These proactive inspection programs aim to help employers to comply with workplace safety and health laws, and we firmly believe that raising awareness is the best way in which to lessen the risk of work-related injury and illness.”
Further information on workplace safety and health and the checklist for this inspection program can be obtained by telephoning WorkSafe on 1300 307877 or on the website at
Media Contact: Caroline De Vaney, 6251 2363 or 0408 927563 (media enquiries only)
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