Private sector employers and employees
Telephone: 1300 655 266
Mailing address
Locked Bag 100
East Perth WA 6892
Western Australia’s laws about when children can work apply during both school terms and in school holidays.
Children of compulsory school age are not permitted to work during the hours when the child is required to attend school (or otherwise participate in an educational program of school).
There are restrictions on the type of job and working hours for children under 15 years of age. These laws apply to Western Australian businesses in both the state and national industrial relations systems.
Children aged 13 and 14 are allowed to:
as long as:
Children aged 10, 11 or 12 are allowed to deliver newspapers, pamphlets or advertising material, but they:
As long as the work does not prevent school attendance, children of any age can:
For more essential information visit the When children can work in Western Australia page.
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