Private sector employers and employees
Telephone: 1300 655 266
Mailing address
Locked Bag 100
East Perth WA 6892
Industrial inspectors from Private Sector Labour Relations (PSLR) recovered over $500,000 in underpayments for Western Australian workers in 2023.
This figure comes from both proactive compliance activities undertaken by PSLR inspectors, and complaints made to PSLR by employees about underpayments under WA awards and state employment laws.
A total of 135 proactive inspections took place in 2023, across the Perth and South-West region and in the Mandurah and Rockingham area. Inspectors talked to employers and employees, inspected available employment records, and issued notices requiring the production of employment records for assessment. A total of $78,583 in underpayments has been recovered to date, with proactive inspections started in late 2023 still to be finalised.
In addition to the proactive inspections, industrial inspectors resolved 201 underpayment complaints in 2023 made by employees for a total of $429,580 in recovered wages and leave underpayments.
The introduction of Compliance Notices and Civil Infringement Notices during 2023 has provided inspectors with powerful tools to effectively rectify breaches of employment laws.
Last year $24,773 in underpayments was recovered from eight Compliance Notices issued to employers for breaching employment laws. Five businesses were also issued Civil Infringement Notices, for not issuing payslips to employees and/or not keeping timesheets recording start and finish time and hours worked for each employee.
PSLR also has 11 active enforcement matters currently before the Industrial Magistrates Court.
Employees who believe they may have been underpaid or may have not received entitlements under a WA award, the state minimum conditions of employment or state long service leave laws should visit the Making a complaint about underpayment of wages and entitlements page or contact Wageline on 1300 655 266 for more information.
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