Trouble getting paid?

If you’re a subcontractor in the construction industry and have had issues getting paid for your work then we want to hear from you!

As a subcontractor, you rely on being paid by those who you have benefited from your hard work. Cash flow is critical to the survival of the business and disputes over payment can be costly and time consuming.

The Construction Contracts Act 2004 was established by Government to help subcontractors get on with their business by helping them to resolve payment disputes quickly and by prohibiting unfair contract terms that could slow or stop the payment flow through the contracting chain. 

The Act is currently being reviewed to determine how well it is working. The Small Business Commissioner has found that some areas of the Act that could be improved to better meet the needs of small business. There is also a belief that some subcontractors are reluctant to take payment disputes further as doing so may damage their commercial relationships and prevent them from getting future work.

The Reviewer wants to hear from subcontractors about their experience with payment claims and offer suggestions how such an Act work could better work for them.

If you are interested in providing your feedback to this important review, you are invited to convey your experiences at the following forum.

Public forum

Subcontractor Experiences with Security of Payment and the Operation of the Construction Contracts Act 2004.

Location: Boardroom, Ground floor, Mason Bird Building, 303 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington
Date: Friday 14 November 2014
Time: 2.00pm–3.00pm

Attendance is by registration and email confirmation via:

Alternatively, you may make a written submission to the Review team via email at The Review looks forward to receiving your feedback whichever way you can manage.

Building and Energy
03 Nov 2014

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