Updated water meter relocation process

This announcement is for: 
BuilderPlumberHome buyer / owner

In response to feedback, Water Corporation has provided clarification and guidance to ensure the effective application of the new water meter relocation process.

The process change increases safety for plumbers working near Water Corporation assets and better aligns their processes with water services legislation and plumbing regulations. The following considerations aim to improve how the process is working.

Information for plumbers and builders

  • Internal pipework must be relocated by a licensed plumber for Water Corporation to be able to relocate the water meter. Customers are encouraged to review the Relocate a water meter webpage before agreeing to the new location of internal pipework.
  • Licensed plumbers will need to maintain the existing water supply service to the property by installing a temporary water service line from the meter bend, provided by the plumber, at the location of the new water meter back to the existing meter (see image below). This allows for a continuation of supply prior to the meter relocation taking place.
  • Plumbers are reminded to use electrical bondage straps on pipework before breaking connections.
  • Water Corporation is unable to provide technical advice on regulated plumbing work so enquiries regarding the internal plumbing services should be directed to the Building and Energy Plumbers technical advice line on 1300 360 897.

Information for your customers

Water Corporation will schedule the meter relocation job once payment has been received and the customer has provided confirmation that the internal pipework has been relocated by a licensed plumber. Water Corporation will not be on-site at the time the internal pipework is relocated but will endeavour to complete the meter relocation within 10 working days.

For further information relating to water meter relocations, including responsibilities other considerations, and how to apply please visit the Water Corporation website or phone 13 13 95.

Water corporation water meter relocation process
Water corporation water meter relocation process, by sgrove

Water corporation water meter relocation process


Building and Energy
Department News
29 Jun 2020

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