
Showing 1076 - 1100 of 1165 results
A motor vehicle repairer has been disqualified from holding a certificate by the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) and ordered to pay costs of $500 after failing to meet an important condition placed on his certificate by Consumer Protection. Stephen Jeffrey Sokol of Aveley had breached the Motor Vehicle Repairers Act by failing to comply with a condition to provide Consumer Protection with a...
Consumer Protection
Media release
21 Sep 2018
A Perth car dealership which specialises in selling vehicles on consignment as well as a salesperson involved in managing the business have been banned by Consumer Protection from conducting consignment sales. The move to restrict the licences to prevent consignment sales comes as charges are to be heard against the company, its Director and the employee/manager. PAG (WA) Pty Ltd , trading as...
Consumer Protection
Media release
20 Sep 2018
The Consumer Protection Kalgoorlie office is moving from its current location on Brookman Street to the department’s West Kalgoorlie office on the corners of Hunter and Broadwood Streets. The Brookman Street office will close on Friday 31 August at 12.30pm and will reopen in the West Kalgoorlie office on Monday 3 September 2018 at 8.30am. There will be no change to the services provided by the...
Consumer Protection
Department News
15 Aug 2018
With Commissioner for Consumer Protection David Hillyard No place for family violence Did you know WA is second only to the NT when it comes to rates of family and domestic violence (FDV) and there were more than 50,000 reported incidents across the State in 2016-17? Sadly, family violence is a growing problem in our community and the abuse, whether physical or psychological, often occurs in...
Consumer Protection
Department News
29 May 2018
Consumer Protection regularly reminds consumers in Western Australia about their rights and the regulations in place to protect them, but what happens when you actually need to make a formal complaint about a retailer or business? The first step in the process is always to approach the trader and attempt to get a remedy for the issue. We have a handy checklist on our website to guide you through...
Consumer Protection
Media release
29 Mar 2018
With Commissioner for Consumer Protection David Hillyard The Christmas shopping period has now begun and it’s important for consumers to remember a few key tips to ensure they actually get what they pay for when buying gifts for family and friends. Many post-Christmas complaints received by Consumer Protection relate to gifts bought online that don’t arrive on time, so it’s important to confirm...
Consumer Protection
Media release
12 Dec 2017
Consumer Protection has been advised by the promoters that this Sunday’s “Earthcore in the Park” event at Mulberry on Swan near Perth has been cancelled, so ticketholders should be offered a refund. Ticketholders who purchased tickets via credit card should immediately contact their credit card provider or bank to apply for a charge back . Those who purchased tickets via PayPal should contact...
Consumer Protection
28 Nov 2017
With Acting Commissioner for Consumer Protection David Hillyard If you’re a parent or carer, it’s highly likely you’ve heard all about, or seen too much of, ‘fidget spinners’. Alternatively, you may have noticed the novelty items for sale online or at stalls in shopping centres and we know there are also promotional giveaways where you get them for free. For anyone who isn’t sure what they are,...
Consumer Protection
16 Jun 2017
With Acting Commissioner for Consumer Protection David Hillyard Consumer Protection WA is a proud supporter of Fraud Week, which this year starts on the 15 th of May and aims to help social media users learn how to spot a scam. Social media profiles often display a lot of personal information, such as your photos, where you have been lately, a record of life events, who you’re connected to and...
Consumer Protection
Department News
12 May 2017
With Acting Commissioner for Consumer Protection David Hillyard The Department of Commerce Bond Administrator figures showed 10 per cent of all residential rental bond lodgements were made late in January this year. A bond is money paid by the tenant and held in trust for the duration of a tenancy. The Residential Tenancies Act 1987 (the Act) requires that bonds must be lodged by the landlord or...
Consumer Protection
Department News
02 Mar 2017
With Acting Commissioner for Consumer Protection David Hillyard Puppy scammers have been getting their claws into the money of pet-buyers in Western Australia for years. The scammers also use kittens, birds and other popular animals as bait. Sadly the animal never arrives and Consumer Protection has received reports of monetary loss from many heartbroken would-be pet owners. Advertisements can be...
Consumer Protection
Department News
23 Feb 2017
When we hear about a tragedy – from a bush fire or floods to someone badly injured by a coward’s punch or deaths in a terrorist attack – it’s normal to want to help those affected and giving or collecting money may seem the most practical way to do so. But cautionary tales from donors and collectors highlight the importance of our charity licensing laws. Consumer Protection is here to help people...
Consumer Protection
Department News
16 Feb 2017
With Acting Commissioner for Consumer Protection David Hillyard A number of residential building companies have collapsed in WA in recent months prompting Consumer Protection to reissue advice to off-the-plan property buyers. One of the biggest risks for anyone purchasing a home and land package or a yet-to-be-built house, unit or apartment within a development, is the prospect of it not going...
Consumer Protection
Department News
02 Feb 2017
With Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner David Hillyard Consumers suffering allergic reactions to sunscreen or burns when wearing it have been reported in the media recently, so it seemed timely to provide some tips for buyers and users. We’re not skin specialists or cancer experts at Consumer Protection, which means we’ve sourced information from WA’s Department of Health and The Australian...
Consumer Protection
Department News
25 Jan 2017
With Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner David Hillyard Air-filled loungers were one of the must-have Christmas presents for 2016 and had been heavily promoted via social media and at pop-up stalls in shopping centres. Photos or videos indicate the products are able to be used in water BUT two near-misses in Australian home swimming pools during the festive period prompted drowning risk...
Consumer Protection
Department News
19 Jan 2017
With Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner David Hillyard The economic downturn in WA is creating opportunities for heartless scammers to take money from people in desperate circumstances who are least able to afford it. Consumer Protection has received reports from a number of people recently who have fallen victim to personal loan scams and have given personal information which could lead to...
Consumer Protection
Department News
09 Jan 2017
With Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner David Hillyard If you’re buying a car any time soon we have a message we’d like to drive home. Consumer Protection has concerns about the value of add-ons being sold to people purchasing motor vehicles in Western Australia. There’s been a recent increase in complaints to Consumer Protection about the vehicle ‘extras’ sold at the point of sale such as...
Consumer Protection
Department News
06 Jan 2017
With Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner David Hillyard The post-Christmas sales create quite a buzz for shoppers both online and in-store, but remember to shop smart to avoid disappointment with the sales. Retailers will be keen to get your business, so it’s important to look past the slick marketing and see the real value of deals on offer. Consumer protection agencies often hear from...
Consumer Protection
Department News
22 Dec 2016
Portable decorative ethanol burners, like those pictured, were banned from sale in Western Australia since 21 December 2016, and from 15 July 2017, are prohibited under a mandatory safety standard. More detail is available from the product safety page Ethanol burners (Decorative alcohol fuelled burners) . WA consumers I own a small freestanding ethanol burner bought prior to the mandatory...
Consumer Protection
20 Dec 2016
With Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner David Hillyard The average Australian will spend $599 on presents this Christmas, according to a Commonwealth Bank survey of consumers. That’s up from $475 in 2015. Gift loved ones not retailers Usually billions of dollars will go on gift cards across Australia, however, with up to a third of receivers expected not to use theirs, you may wish to...
Consumer Protection
Department News
19 Dec 2016
With Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner David Hillyard Summer is upon us, school's out and thousands of families will be taking time out to go on holidays. While we want everyone to relax and have fun, we also want the holiday to be safe, particularly for children. If you have booked short-stay accommodation, we have a list of safety checks you should carry out as soon as you arrive. We...
Consumer Protection
Department News
14 Dec 2016
With Acting Commissioner for Consumer Protection David Hillyard Consumer Protection recently attended an intellectual property rights workshop in Perth where makers of products, particularly electrical items, showcased physical examples of genuine and non-genuine items to highlight the differences. The session was mainly to help Australian Border Force officers detect counterfeit goods but we...
Consumer Protection
Department News
09 Dec 2016
With Acting Consumer Protection Commissioner David Hillyard Summer’s here and that means music festival season. But what happens if a big outdoor event or live concert is cancelled or dramatically changed at the last moment? The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) gives consumers rights if an Australian business fails to deliver what they said they would … that can include calling off a festival or...
Consumer Protection
Department News
01 Dec 2016
With Acting Commissioner for Consumer Protection, David Hillyard Tenancy laws in WA are under review in a bid to support victims of family violence who live in rental homes. It’s your chance to have a say because community feedback is now invited. An options paper has been released outlining proposed amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act that are designed to complement the Restraining...
Consumer Protection
Department News
10 Nov 2016
With Acting Commissioner for Consumer Protection David Hillyard The tradition of wearing costumes at Halloween has been around for centuries but it’s some of the more recent dressing-up trends that give Consumer Protection cause for concern. In the lead-up to October 31 st , we send product safety officers out to WA stores to inspect Halloween-themed items, which pose a risk to children, but we...
Consumer Protection
Department News
31 Oct 2016
