Find a registered building engineer

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The Building Services (Registration) Act 2011 requires that an individual, partnership or company that carries out, or undertakes to carry out, civil, structural, mechanical, fire safety or fire systems building engineering work must be a registered building engineering contractor.

Individuals that are registered building engineering 'practitioners' cannot carry out or undertake to carry out the building engineering work, but are permitted under the Act to be the nominated supervisor of a registered 'building service contractor'.

Registration of structural, fire safety and fire systems engineers commenced on 1 July 2024, becoming mandatory on 1 July 2026.

Registration of civil and mechanical engineers commences on 1 July 2025, becoming mandatory on 1 July 2027. Unregistered people may continue to do building engineering work during the transition periods, before registration becomes mandatory.

A register of building engineers, setting out the class (or practising area and level) of building engineering practitioners and contractors, is available below.

Please note

The register currently contains both active and inactive building engineers. Those who are inactive appear in the register with the address column blank.

Register of building engineering contractors and practitioners

The licence search is currently unavailable. A PDF (approximately 250 kB) of the register provided below is updated daily.

Download the Register of Building Engineering Contractors and Practitioners



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