Change of contact details

This page is for: 
Licence holders

As a licensee, registration or permit holder you must notify Building and Energy of a change in the residential, business, postal or email address, or a change to your mobile or landline telephone number.

Please note: Late notification of changes may result in a penalty.

Builders, building surveyors and painters

How to notify

Notification of changes to these details must be done within 14 days of the change and can be done by completing the Change of Address form on the back of your renewal notice or downloading and completing the appropriate 'Change of contact details' form and sending it to the address below or via email to

Form 78 – Builders, building surveyors and painters

Change of contact details form 78

Click here to download the form

Electrical worker, gas fitter and plumber

As an alternative to post or email, licence holders (including companies and partnerships, where applicable) can use the department's online Change of Contact system.

To use the system you will need to have:

  • The number of your current licence.

You can find the number of your permit, and see if it is current, by checking your certificate or the online licence search.

  • Access to the email address or mobile phone number you last gave to the department.

Once you have entered a valid licence number, you will need to request a security code to access the system. The code will be sent to you by email or SMS.

If you are not sure what information the department has on file, part of the mobile number or email address will be displayed once a code has been sent. The code can only be used once and is valid for 48 hours or until a new code is requested.

If you do not get the code, first check your spam or junk folders. If you are still unable to access the system, please email us for assistance providing your licence details and a summary of the issue.

Ready to go?

Click on the link and follow the on-screen instructions

Change my detail online 

Electrical worker or gas fitter: Not ready/able to use the online change of contact system?

You can still update your contact details with us by printing off and completing the form and faxing it to +61 8 6251 1902, posting to Locked Bag 100, East Perth WA 6892 or emailing to 

Change of contact details form for an electrical worker or gas fitter

Plumbers: Not ready/able to use the online change of contact system?

You can still update your contact details with us by printing off and completing Form 79 and faxing it to +61 8 6251 1501, posting to Locked Bag 100, East Perth WA 6892 or emailing to

Change of contact details form 79 for a plumber

Post forms to:

Building and Energy
Locked Bag 100
East Perth WA 6892

Or in person to:

Building and Energy
Level 1, Mason Bird Building
303 Sevenoaks Street
Cannington WA 6107
Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm

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