Aboriginal Consumers Count

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The Aboriginal Consumers Count identifies consumer issues facing Aboriginal Western Australians.

Aboriginal Consumers Count thumbnail
Aboriginal Consumers Count thumbnail , by Consumer Protection

Your voice matters!

We want to hear about your experience as a buyer of goods and services – and as a tenant. It only take 10-minutes to have your say. Open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 16 and over.

The survey closed on 16 July 2023.


The Aboriginal Consumers Count survey (ACCS) is for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to voice:

  • issues facing Aboriginal consumers and tenants;
  • awareness of current consumer education programs; and
  • what channels may work best to communicate with Aboriginal consumers.

Feedback from the survey helps Consumer Protection to develop education and awareness programs on issues that matter most to Aboriginal people and their communities, and encourage and empower consumers to exercise their rights.

Previous Consumer Count reports

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