CPD distance learning - settlement agents

Remote and regional participants can complete all of their CPD requirements online by contacting a training provider.

Training providers contact are listed on CPD activities - settlement agents.

You are considered to be remote if your principal place of business is more than 100km radius of Perth or Busselton.

Funding for travel expenses to attend CPD courses

If you have to travel at least 100 km (in one direction) to attend a CPD seminar or workshop in either Perth or Busselton you may be eligible for financial assistance.

To request the subsidy, you will need to provide a statutory declaration after completing the activity seminar/workshop. The declaration needs to include the distance travelled from the agent’s main location to the training venue. Online route finders can be helpful in calculating the distance in one direction.

The amount of subsidy paid will be calculated according to the following table.

CPD travel subsidy
Distance (in one direction)  Subsidy
100 km - 300 km  Maximum of $200.00
301 km - 1000 km  Maximum of $400.00
More than 1000 km  Maximum of $800.00


The amount paid is based on the distance between the agent’s main location from the venue, not the overall distance travelled. For example, an agent travelling from Mandurah to Perth, where the return travel distance is over 100 kilometres, will not be entitled to a claim. An agent, who travels from a location further than 100 kilometres away, such as Albany or Kalgoorlie, will be.

Interstate licences

You still need to do your CPD in Western Australia if your licence was granted under the Mutual Recognition Act (Western Australia) Act 2001.


You can apply for a full or part exemption if you find it difficult to complete your CPD because of your geographical location.

For further information about CPD, please contact us via phone: (08) 6251 2955 or email

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