Private sector employers and employees
Telephone: 1300 655 266
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East Perth WA 6892
You can check the coverage of the Long Service Leave Act on the Long Service Leave - Who is covered by the Long Service Leave Act? page and find links to other information on our main Long service leave page.
The Long service leave record keeping obligations video outlines the obligations of employers regarding long service leave record keeping.
Under the Long Service Leave Act it is compulsory for employers to keep employment records for all employees detailing:
The employer must keep all records relating to the calculation of an employee’s long service leave for the employee’s entire period of employment. All records must also be kept for seven years after the employee’s employment ends.
An employer must also keep a record of any written agreement to cash out long service leave including the amount of leave cashed out, the amount that was paid, and the date that payment occurred.
If there is a transfer of a business, the old employer must transfer copies of all transferring employees’ employment records to the new employer. This will enable the new employer to accurately determine an employee’s long service leave entitlement.
Employers can be fined up to $13,000 (or up to $130,000 in the case of a serious contravention) for individuals or a penalty of up to $65,000 (or up to $650,000 in the case of a serious contravention) for bodies corporate for:
A serious contravention is defined as a situation in which the person knowingly commits the contravention and this conduct is part of a systematic pattern of conduct relating to one or more other persons.
Penalties can also be imposed on people such as accountants and HR officers responsible for maintaining and keeping employment records for a business if they are involved in an employer’s contravention of the record keeping requirements.
An employer will have the burden of disproving an allegation made in proceedings to enforce an entitlement to long service leave if the employer was required to:
and failed to comply with the requirement.
The burden of disproving an allegation does not apply, however, if the employer provides a reasonable excuse for the failure to comply with the requirement to make or keep a record, or make a record available for inspection.
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