Private sector employers and employees
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You can check the coverage of the Long Service Leave Act on the Long service leave – Who is covered by the Long Service Leave Act? page and find links to other information on our main Long service leave page.
The Understanding continuous employment for long service leave video discusses continuous employment under WA Long Service Leave Act and the types of absences that do and do not count towards a period of continuous employment.
Please note this video discusses the provisions in the Long Service Leave Act for continuous employment that have applied since 20 June 2022. There are different provisions for a long service leave entitlement that fully accrued prior to this date.
An employee’s entitlement to long service leave depends on the length of their continuous employment with the same employer. A full entitlement to long service leave is 8.667 weeks leave when an employee completes 10 years of continuous employment.
The term continuous employment has a specific meaning under the Long Service Leave Act. There are some types of absences that do not count towards a period of continuous employment, meaning an employee’s length of continuous employment may not be the same as the total time they have worked for an employer.
Continuous employment is not restricted to service with just the existing employer, but can also include employers who previously owned the business.
Learn about changes of business ownership on the Long service leave – what happens when business ownership changes page.
When an employee resigns, their period of continuous employment comes to an end. If an employee resigns and is later re-employed by the same employer, their previous employment will not count towards continuous employment for long service leave.
The continuous employment provisions in the Long Service Leave Act changed in 2022. This page covers how continuous employment is calculated for long service leave entitlements that fully accrue (i.e. fall due) on or after 20 June 2022.
An employee may have a long service leave entitlement that fully accrued prior to 20 June 2022 (that is their initial 10 year period of continuous employment or subsequent 5 year periods was completed prior to 20 June 2022). In this case, the previous Long Service Leave Act provisions about absences that count towards the period of continuous employment continue to apply. These pre 20 June 2022 provisions are outlined on the Long service leave – Continuous employment - entitlements accrued pre June 2022 page.
Casual and seasonal employees can have continuous employment despite working intermittently or with varying hours. The Long service leave – casual and seasonal employees page provides information about continuous employment for casual and seasonal employees.
There are many absences from work that count towards an employee’s continuous employment where an employee fully accrues their long service leave entitlement after 20 June 2022. This includes all forms of paid leave and public holidays.
Absences that count towards an employee’s continuous employment are:
An employee’s period of employment with a previous owner of a business is also counted as part of their period of employment with the new owner where there has been a transfer or transmission of the business. Learn about changes of business ownership on the Long service leave – what happens when business ownership changes page.
Where an employee fully accrued a long service leave entitlement prior to 20 June 2022, the absences that count towards continuous employment are listed in the Long service leave – Continuous employment - entitlements accrued pre June 2022 page.
Please note: the information in this section does not apply to casual employees. The Long service leave – casual and seasonal employees page provides information about continuous employment for casual and seasonal employees.
Some types of absences do not count towards an employee’s period of continuous employment. This includes most forms of leave for which the employee has not received payment, such as unpaid carer’s leave or leave without pay.
These absences will not break an employee’s service for long service leave purposes, however they will not count as time worked when calculating the length of continuous employment.
Where an employee fully accrues a long service leave entitlement after 20 June 2022, the absences that do not count towards continuous employment for long service leave accrual are:
If an employee has had any of these types of absences, the period of the continuous employment is reduced by the length of the absence.
Although these absences do not count as part of an employee’s period of employment for long service leave, they will not break an employee’s continuity of employment.
Where an employee fully accrued an entitlement to long service leave prior to 20 June 2022, the absences that do not count towards continuous employment for long service leave accrual are listed on the Long service leave – Continuous employment - entitlements accrued pre June 2022 page.
For information about the effect of JobKeeper enabling stand down directions on long service leave entitlements, see the JobKeeper enabling stand down directions and long service leave entitlements page.
This section provides information relevant to employees who have taken pandemic leave for which they have NOT received any payment, whether from the employer or the State or Federal Government. If an employee was on unpaid pandemic leave and received a payment such as the WA Government’s COVID-19 Test Isolation Payment or the Federal Government’s Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment, the period for which the employee received payment counts towards long service leave accrual.
For employees in the state industrial relations system, information about the effect of unpaid pandemic leave on long service leave entitlements is available on the Unpaid pandemic leave page.
For employees in the national industrial relations system who derive their long service leave entitlements from the Long Service Leave Act, any unpaid pandemic leave taken by the employee in accordance with the relevant provisions in a national modern award will not count towards the employee’s period of continuous employment for accruing long service leave, but will not break the employee’s continuous employment.
Fly in, fly out (FIFO) employees may work rosters where they perform work on some weeks (‘on weeks’) and do not perform work in other weeks (‘off weeks’).
Off weeks will generally count towards continuous employment for long service leave accrual, as they are not a form of unpaid leave and the employee's employment has not ended.
However, whether a particular FIFO employee has completed the required period of continuous employment will always depend upon the circumstances of their employment.
When an apprentice or trainee completes an apprenticeship or traineeship with an employer and the employer continues to employ the apprentice or trainee once they are qualified, the apprentice or trainee’s period of employment as an apprentice or trainee counts as part of their period of continuous employment with that employer for long service leave accrual.
Sometimes there might be a gap between an employee completing their apprenticeship or traineeship with an employer and then being employed by that employer. If an employee enters into a contract of employment with an employer within 52 weeks of completing an apprenticeship or traineeship with that employer, the gap does not break the employee’s continuous employment. However, any gap between the completion of the employee’s apprenticeship or traineeship and the employment of the employee on a new contract of employment does not count towards the employee’s period of continuous employment for long service leave accrual.
Carlos completes a mechanical apprenticeship with a vehicle repair business. When Carlos completes his apprenticeship he ceases working for the employer, as the business cannot afford to keep him on. However, 6 months later, the business has recovered financially, and it hires Carlos as a qualified mechanic.
As Carlos has entered into a contract of employment with his employer within 52 weeks of completing an apprenticeship with it, the period of the apprenticeship is taken to be part of his continuous employment. However, the 6 month period where he was not working for the vehicle repair business does not count when calculating the length of his period of continuous employment.
For information about long service leave accruing during workers compensation, see the Long service leave accrual during workers compensation page.
From 20 June 2022, an employee's service with related body corporates is considered to be a part of the employee's period of continuous employment with the same employer. However, this provision only applies from 20 June 2022, which can affect an employee’s long service leave accrual.
Service with related body corporates prior to 20 June 2022 does not count towards an employee’s continuous employment.
‘Related body corporate’ has the same meaning as defined in section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cwth). An employee's service with a related body corporate is considered to be a part of the employee's period of continuous employment with the same employer.
Example 1:
An employee transfers from ABC Construction to XYZ Construction on 1 July 2019. Both of these businesses are related body corporates. Only the employee’s service with XYZ Construction from 1 July 2019 will count towards long service leave accrual.
Example 2:
An employee transfers from AAA People Consulting to ZZZ People Consulting on 1 September 2022. Both of these businesses are related bodies corporate. Only the employee’s service with AAA People Consulting from 20 June 2022 will count towards long service leave accrual.
The WA long service leave calculator can provide an estimate of an employee’s long service leave entitlement when employment ceases as a result of resignation, dismissal, or redundancy.
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