Private sector employers and employees
Telephone: 1300 655 266
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East Perth WA 6892
Employees who believe they have been underpaid wages or leave entitlements under state employment laws can follow the steps below to make an underpayment complaint to Private Sector Labour Relations industrial inspectors.
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If you are unsure, call Wageline on 1300 655 266.
You should first speak to your employer to see if you can resolve the issue. In doing so, you can inform your employer that you have spoken to Wageline and let them know what information Wageline has told you about your entitlements.
As well as talking to your employer, you should put your concerns in writing to your employer. A sample letter is available to assist you - this letter can be changed depending upon the nature of your claim.
Your letter should provide as much information as possible about how you believe you have not been paid your correct entitlements. A letter that contains facts without emotive language is more likely to assist in resolving the matter.
You can also provide the employer with information to support your claim such as a copy of the Wageline WA award summary.
You should set a reasonable timeframe in which you would like a response - for example 14 days.
You may wish to email your letter, or send it by post or registered mail.
You will need to keep a copy of the letter and the delivery receipt if sent by registered mail. If you make a formal complaint to Private Sector Labour Relations (see Step Four) then you will be required to provide a copy of the letter that you sent to your employer and any response received as part of the process of making a formal complaint.
Before making a complaint to Private Sector Labour Relations about underpaid wages or entitlements, you should try to resolve the issue with your employer (see steps two and three).
If you are unable to resolve the issue yourself, you can make a formal complaint to Private Sector Labour Relations by completing the Online underpayment of wages or entitlements complaint form
When completing the online form, you will be able to attach supporting documentation (e.g. copies of letters, emails, text messages, or payslips).
For assistance in calculating the amount you are claiming you have been underpaid, please visit the WA long service leave calculator, the annual leave calculation guide, the relevant WA award summary or the Minimum pay rates for award free employees.
After your complaint form has been received, we will attempt to conciliate the matter. A conciliation officer will be assigned to your complaint, and will work with you and the employer to attempt to resolve the matter. This conciliation process usually takes approximately 21 days from when the conciliation officer first contacts you.
As per the Private Sector Labour Relations Division Compliance and Enforcement Policy, if your complaint is not resolved via conciliation, your complaint may be allocated to an industrial inspector for formal investigation.
Private Sector Labour Relations does not formally investigate every complaint that it receives, and exercises discretion in deciding which matters to investigate. Private Sector Labour Relations has developed guidelines to assist determining whether a complaint will be formally investigated. These guidelines are set out at Attachment A in the Private Sector Labour Relations Division Compliance and Enforcement Policy.
If your complaint proceeds to the formal investigation stage, an industrial inspector will be allocated to your case. An industrial inspector is impartial and does not represent either employees or employers. Their role is to investigate possible breaches of employment laws.
During the formal investigation you will need to:
After the industrial inspector has completed the formal investigation you will be contacted and told of the outcome. If the evidence supports a breach of employment law, we will advise your employer to repay your unpaid entitlements.
The Compliance and enforcement section has information on compliance tools used and enforcement matters undertaken by Private Sector Labour Relations.
If a breach of employment law is supported by evidence and your employer does not voluntarily resolve it, the matter may be taken to the Industrial Magistrates Court for determination. If this occurs you may be required to give evidence in court.
The Enforcement matters page lists successful enforcement matters brought before the Industrial Magistrates Court.
The Taking a claim to the Industrial Magistrates Court - a guide for employees publication assists employees to independently make a claim to the Industrial Magistrates Court for unpaid entitlements under state employment laws, WA awards and state industrial agreements.
Use the Anonymous Wage Theft Report Form to make an anonymous report about wage theft under WA state employment laws.
The Owner-Drivers (Contracts and Disputes) Act 2007 (the Act) applies to owner-drivers of freight vehicles (of more than 4.5 tonnes GVM) and people and companies that hire owner-drivers of freight vehicles.
For information about the Act, contact the Department of Transport or email
If you have a complaint you believe would be covered by the Act, or would like a suspected breach of the Act investigated, then contact the Road Freight Transport Industry Tribunal. If the matter is restricted to a dispute over payment call Wageline on 1300 655 266.
If you require a translation service when phoning Wageline, please use the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50.
The National Relay Service helps people who are deaf, hearing and/or speech-impaired contact Wageline. Call the National Relay Service on 13 36 77 and ask to call Wageline on 1300 655 266, or visit the National Relay Service website.
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