Private sector employers and employees
Telephone: 1300 655 266
Mailing address
Locked Bag 100
East Perth WA 6892
The Private Sector Labour Relations Division (Labour Relations) of the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (the Department) has a number of functions, including the provision of advisory, education and compliance services for state employment laws.
This Compliance and Enforcement Policy (the Policy) sets out the principles adopted by Labour Relations to secure compliance with the following state employment laws:
The primary objectives of the Policy are to:
Two industrial relations systems operate in Western Australia - the state system and the national system.
Labour Relations oversees compliance in the state system. In the national system, compliance is overseen by the Fair Work Ombudsman.
The IR Act and the MCE Act generally only apply to:
The LSL Act applies to most private sector employers and employees in Western Australia, including the majority of those covered by the national system.
Part 7 of the CCS Act dealing with the employment of children applies to all employers and employees in Western Australia, including those covered by the national system. Labour Relations enforces Part 7 of the CCS Act in conjunction with the Department of Communities.
Further information on who is covered by the state industrial relations system can be found in the Guide to who is in the WA state system
There are various ways that Labour Relations seeks to achieve compliance.
One informal but important way is advising employers and employees of their rights and obligations under state employment laws. Labour Relations does this through its Wageline service, online education materials, seminars and media releases.
Where a formal complaint is made to Labour Relations by an employee that they have not received their correct entitlements, Labour Relations will generally conciliate between the employee and their employer (see Section 6 of the Policy). Most complaints are resolved this way. Conciliation is a quick, efficient and cost effective way of achieving voluntary compliance with state employment laws.
Assisting employers and employees to understand their respective rights and obligations is the optimal way of achieving compliance. A key objective of Labour Relations is to empower the parties to self-regulate through the provision of readily accessible information.
Private sector employers and employees can speak with a Wageline adviser on 1300 655 266. Wageline also responds to email queries at
The Department’s website provides information and tools for employers and employees including WA award summaries, leave calculation guides and detail on minimum pay rates, when children can work and record keeping requirements. The Wageline Newsletter email provides regular updates on critical employment issues, including changes in pay rates.
Labour Relations has a number of officers designated as industrial inspectors under the IR Act. Industrial inspectors may investigate alleged breaches of state employment laws, as well as take court action in the Industrial Magistrates Court.
The primary role of industrial inspectors is set out in section 98(2) of the IR Act and a directive issued by the Minister for Industrial Relations.
The powers of industrial inspectors are set out in the various state employment laws, including:
Industrial inspectors do not represent employers or employees. They act impartially and fairly to achieve compliance with state employment laws. Industrial inspectors are bound by the Department’s Code of Conduct in the performance of their duties, as well as the Public Sector Commissioner’s Code of Ethics.
If an employee makes a formal complaint to Labour Relations that they have not been paid their correct entitlements, the complaint will generally be referred to conciliation.
An industrial inspector will attempt to conciliate between the employee and their employer. The parties are encouraged to try and resolve the complaint between themselves, with appropriate assistance from the industrial inspector. The conciliation period is generally up to 21 days.
Most complaints received by Labour Relations are resolved quickly and satisfactorily through conciliation. However, where complaints cannot be resolved they may be referred to a formal investigation.
It should be noted that complaints under Part 7 of the Children and Community Services Act 2004 are referred straight to a formal investigation. These complaints concern the welfare of children and are not considered appropriate for conciliation.
Labour Relations may formally investigate a complaint if it meets certain public interest guidelines. A formal investigation involves an industrial inspector gathering evidence to determine whether there has been a breach of a state employment law.
As part of a formal investigation, an industrial inspector will generally:
Depending on the circumstances of the case, a formal investigation may take up to 12 months to complete.
If an employer does not rectify an identified breach after a formal investigation, Labour Relations may:
Where an employer agrees to voluntarily rectify a breach, Labour Relations may accept an enforceable undertaking from the employer, rather than give a compliance notice to the employer or commence court action (see Section 9 of the Policy).
Labour Relations may, during a formal investigation, give an infringement notice to an employer in relation to breaches of prescribed record related requirements (see Section 9 of the Policy).
Labour Relations does not formally investigate every complaint that it receives, and exercises discretion in deciding which matters to investigate. Labour Relations has developed guidelines to assist determining whether a complaint will be formally investigated. These guidelines are set out in Attachment A to this Policy.
Even if a complaint meets the guidelines, Labour Relations may decide not to investigate, or continue with an investigation, because of some countervailing reason. For example, it may not be in the public interest to:
Labour Relations must direct its resources in the most efficient and effective way possible to achieve compliance with state employment laws. Formally investigating every complaint made does not necessarily achieve this objective.
Labour Relations undertakes targeted proactive compliance campaigns and audits. Proactive compliance is often intelligence-led and risk-based. For example, if Labour Relations receives a large number of complaints about a particular industry, this may be an indicator of wider spread problems in that industry.
Proactive campaigns are also used by Labour Relations to raise awareness of employers’ obligations under state employment laws.
Examples of proactive campaigns include:
Proactive campaigns are undertaken by industrial inspectors utilising their powers under state employment laws. As part of a proactive campaign, inspectors may enter the workplace, inspect records, speak to any person and compel answers. While these compulsory powers are not used often, they are an important compliance tool and will be used as required.
Employers that are found to be in breach of their employment obligations in a proactive compliance campaign will generally be given the opportunity to voluntarily rectify the breach. Where an employer agrees to voluntarily rectify a breach, Labour Relations may accept an enforceable undertaking from the employer, rather than give a compliance notice to the employer or commence court action. However, there will be instances in which it is appropriate for Labour Relations to give a compliance notice or commence court action.
Labour Relations will work with employers to assist them to comply with state employment laws. For example, Labour Relations partnered with a national franchisor after finding one of its franchisees had breached Part 7 of the CCS Act. The franchisor undertook a voluntary audit of all its Western Australian stores to check compliance with the Act. It also updated its website, job application forms and information/training materials for franchisees to include information on the Act.
Labour Relations may undertake proactive compliance campaigns in conjunction with other relevant government agencies including the Fair Work Ombudsman, Australian Border Force and the Department of Communities.
There are a number of tools available to Labour Relations to enforce state employment laws. These tools cannot, however, be used in relation to breaches of the CCS Act. Further information regarding these enforcement tools can be found at
Labour Relations may decide to give a compliance notice to an employer where an inspector reasonably believes that the employer has contravened:
A compliance notice will require an employer to:
Labour Relations may give a compliance notice to an employer instead of commencing court action. However, if an employer does not comply with a compliance notice and does not have a reasonable excuse, Labour Relations may commence court action against the employer to enforce the compliance notice.
An employer may apply to the Industrial Magistrates Court for a review of the compliance notice on the ground that they have not committed the breach set out in the notice or that the notice does not comply with the requirements of the IR Act.
Labour Relations may decide to accept an enforceable undertaking from an employer where an inspector reasonably believes that the employer has contravened:
An enforceable undertaking may be accepted by Labour Relations only where an employer agrees to voluntarily rectify a breach. An undertaking will set out the actions the employer needs to take to rectify the breach and ensure future compliance.
An enforceable undertaking may be accepted by Labour Relations instead of giving a compliance notice to the employer or commencing court action. However, if an employer does not comply with an enforceable undertaking, Labour Relations may commence court action against the employer to enforce the undertaking.
Labour Relations may give an infringement notice to an employer if an inspector reasonably believes that the employer has contravened a record-related requirement in the IR Act or the LSL Act. Record-related requirements include the requirement to:
An infringement notice will require a person to pay a penalty for committing the breach. The penalty amount cannot exceed one tenth of the penalty which the Industrial Magistrates Court could order. Labour Relations may give an infringement notice to an employer instead of commencing court action.
Labour Relations may decide to take action in the Industrial Magistrates Court to enforce a state employment law, including a compliance notice and an enforceable undertaking.
Court action is generally taken in the civil jurisdiction of the Industrial Magistrates Court. However, court action under Part 7 of the CCS Act is taken in the prosecution jurisdiction of the Court.
The remedy that Labour Relations is able to seek will depend on the particular state employment law being enforced. In general terms, the remedy may be an order(s) that the employer or a person involved in a breach:
Court action in relation to an alleged breach cannot be taken against an employer who has:
Labour Relations exercises discretion in deciding whether to commence court action against an employer. Court action may be taken where:
In deciding whether to take court action, Labour Relations broadly applies the Director of Public Prosecutions “Statement of Prosecution Policy and Guidelines 2018”. While this Statement relates to criminal proceedings, it still has relevance to the commencement of civil proceedings where pecuniary penalties may apply.
Court action will only proceed where there is a prima facie case against the person alleged to have breached the state employment law.
In assessing whether a prima facie case exists, consideration is given to:
In the event that a prima facie case exists, consideration is given to the prospects of success.
Even if a prima facie case exists and there are reasonable prospects of success, court action will only be taken if in the public interest.
Public interest factors supporting court action include:
Public interest factors weighing against court action include:
In the event that Labour Relations takes successful court action, it will usually issue a media statement with the case details and publish the statement on the Department’s website.
If Labour Relations decides not to take court action against an employer, the employee has the option of taking their own action. In this case, Labour Relations can:
It is important to remember that Labour Relations does not represent individual employees, and that taking court proceedings involves significant time and public resources. However, court action is the ultimate tool of enforcement available to Labour Relations and will be utilised where appropriate and necessary.
Disclaimer – The information contained in this fact sheet is provided as general information and a guide only. It should not be relied upon as legal advice or as an accurate statement of the relevant legislation provisions. If you are uncertain as to your legal obligations, you should obtain independent legal advice.
Factors supporting a formal investigation | Examples |
Children and Community Services Act 2004 (CCS Act) An allegation relating to a breach of Part 7 of the CCS Act will usually be investigated (concerning the employment of children under 15 years) |
Vulnerability of employee Employee is vulnerable because of:
Training contract Employee is on a training contract registered under the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 (WA) |
Employee has received no pay or inadequate pay These factors may be indicative of exploitation |
Employer has had past compliance issues Employer has had past compliance issues with Labour Relations |
Seriousness of alleged breach The nature of the alleged breach appears to be serious |
Employer has obstructed an industrial inspector It is unlawful to obstruct or wilfully mislead an industrial inspector in the performance of their duties |
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