RTA review fact sheet - Making a claim on the bond


Consultation status: CLOSED

Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. 

Should claims on the bond be made easier for landlords and tenants?

Possible options

  • Allow either the landlord or the tenant to apply for disposal of the bond and the Bond Administrator notifies everyone else.
  • If there is a dispute about who is to receive any part of the bond, the Commissioner for Consumer Protection can make a decision.

Tell us what you think...

  • Should the process for making a claim on the bond be changed? Why or why not?
  • How much time should a landlord or tenant have to tell the Bond Administrator they don’t agree with a claim?
  • If there is a dispute about the bond, should the landlord and tenant be required to attend mediation to try to reach an agreement?
  • Should the Commissioner or the Court decide any disputes about the bond?


Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
Last updated 01 Jul 2020

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