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There will be major changes coming to the state Hairdressers Award later in 2024, as this award is being updated by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC).
In mid-June 2024, the WAIRC issued an Order, which has not yet commenced, to vary the provisions of the award.
It is anticipated that the scope of the Hairdressers Award will also be varied to extend coverage of the award to the beauty industry. To reflect this change, the award will be renamed the Hair and Beauty Industry (WA) Award.
Visit the Upcoming changes to the Hairdressers Award page for details on the upcoming changes.
The current WA award summary outlines the current conditions that apply until the updates commence.
This publication is a summary of the Hairdressers Award.
This WA award summary applies to businesses in the state industrial relations system. It covers businesses (and their employees) that operate as:
This summary does not cover businesses and organisations in the national industrial relations system which operate as:
If the business or organisation is in the national system visit the Fair Work Ombudsman website
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