Wageline leave calculation guides

This publication is for: 
Employee / workerEmployer

WA long service leave calculator

The WA long service leave calculator can provide an estimate of an employee's long service leave entitlement when employment ends as a result of resignation, dismissal, death or redundancy.

If an employee is taking long service leave while still employed, please do not use the calculator. The Long service leave page has information on an employee’s entitlement to take long service leave while remaining in employment.

The WA long service leave calculator is relevant to employees covered by the Western Australian  Long Service Leave Act 1958. The Long Service Leave Act applies to most private sector full time, part time and casual employees  in Western Australia, including employees covered by national modern awards. Detailed information on the Long Service Leave Act is available on the Long service leave page of this website.

Go to the WA long service leave calculator For an estimate of an employee's long service leave entitlement when employment ends.

Annual leave and personal leave calculation guides

Each guide shows a step by step process for calculating how much annual leave or personal leave is owed to an employee. For annual leave, the calculation guide includes the steps to take to calculate the amount to be paid out if employment is ending. 

The annual leave and personal leave calculation guides are based on the leave provisions in the state Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993 and are relevant to employees covered by WA awards and award free employees in the state system.  Visit the Annual leave or Personal leave pages for detailed information. 

Annual leave calculation guide

Personal leave calculation guide

Contact Wageline if you have any queries. 
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Fact sheet
Last updated 19 Jan 2024

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