This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with welding processes in the workplace. Although this Code focuses on welding processes, it may...
This Code applies to all workplaces covered by the WHS Act where hazardous manual tasks are carried out and provides practical guidance to PCBUs on how to manage health and safety risks associated...
The department has translated the Information sheet Volunteer organisation in different languages. Do volunteer organisations have duties under the WHS Act? If a volunteer organisation (or a...
The department has translated the Information sheet PCBU responsibilities in different languages What is a business or undertaking Whether an organisation is a business or undertaking will depend on...
Use this form to apply in writing for mutual recognition of your licence if you are working as a demolition and high risk work licence assessor. If you have issues opening this form in your chosen...
This Code provides guidance for mine operators on meeting the requirements of the WHS Mines Regulations and the WHS General Regulations in relation to establishing and implementing a mine safety...
The Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 (WHS Mines Regulations) require the mine operator to give the regulator a work health and safety report each quarter; this replaces the monthly...
The person issued with a Provisional Improvement Notice (PIN), or their PCBU if they are a worker, can ask the regulator to appoint a WorkSafe inspector to review the PIN using this form. This...
This information sheet provides an overview of the key changes, registration and transitional provisions brought about the by the Work Health and Safety Act and regulations coming into effect.
Health monitoring must be supervised by a registered medical practitioner (RMP) who has been engaged by the person conducting the business or undertaking (PCBU). Medical practitioners undertaking...
A provisional improvement notice (PIN) is a notice issued by an elected and qualified health and safety representative about a health and safety issue in the workplace.
Under the WHS PAGEO regulations no work is permitted on a facility or operation unless the nomination of an operator has been accepted by the regulator and the nominated operator has been added to...
The operator of the diving project must provide a start-up notice to the regulator. If there is no operator, the diving contractor must provide a start-up notice to the regulator.
This information sheet provides information on the election of health and safety representative (HSR) under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) to represent workers in work health and...
This information sheet provides elected health and safety representative (HSR) with information on their powers under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) to issue PINs and stop unsafe work.
Use this guide to apply for accreditation to Assess High Risk Work is issued to a person who has been trained and assessed as competent to conduct a competency assessment for a class of work for...
Demolition work is to be carried out in accordance with Australian Standard AS2601: The demolition of structures (AS 2601). If the work is not covered by or included in AS 2601, the work must be done...
Employers (or persons conducting a business or undertaking) have a duty under OSH or WHS legislation to eliminate, or if that is not reasonable practicable, minimise the risks of COVID-19 at the...
Organophosphates (OP) are a group of pesticides (insecticides, herbicides and fungicides) which may be applied to a range of crops, often by spraying. What organophosphate pesticides are used in...
Employers have a duty of care under occupational safety and health laws (OSH) to ensure workers are not exposed to hazards in the workplace, as far as practicable. The workplace can be defined...