Employee / worker


Employers are required to continue to pay employees their normal wages or salary when they are summonsed to attend court as a juror or witness. There are significant penalties that apply if an employer refuses to pay or acts in a detrimental way to an employee undertaking jury duty. Employers can...
Jury service
This information is only relevant to employers and employees in the WA state industrial relations system . This is general information on the minimum entitlement to personal leave based on the state Minimum Conditions of Employment Act 1993 . WA awards, industrial agreements and contracts of...
Personal leave
This information is only relevant to employers and employees in the WA state industrial relations system . Frequently asked questions about pay Please contact Wageline if you have additional questions about ensuring payments are correct. Payment arrangements An employee is entitled to be paid in...
Pay and employment information
This information is only relevant to employers and employees in the WA state industrial relations system . An employer may only make a deduction from an employee’s pay if: the employer is required by a court or a state or federal law to make the deduction (e.g. tax that must be withheld from the...
Pay and employment information
This information is only relevant to employers and employees in the WA state industrial relations system . It is compulsory for all state system employers to provide a pay slip to each employee within one working day of paying the employee for work performed. The employer can decide whether to give...
Pay and employment information
This page helps employers and employees in the state industrial relations system find the legal minimum rates of pay for a particular job. Watch our video on this topic The Finding the right pay rates – a guide for state system employers and employees video helps employers and employees in the...
Finding the right pay rate
This information is only relevant to employers and employees in the WA state industrial relations system . About this page This page outlines how to find the correct pay rates for state system employees who are undertaking an apprenticeship registered with the Apprenticeship Office at the...
Apprentice and trainee pay rates
Inhalation of asbestos fibres can cause asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma. Asbestos is a serious issue for Australia and will continue to be so for many years, despite the ban on new uses of asbestos in 2003. Asbestos can be classified into two main types, 'friable' or 'non-friable' (also...
This page contains frequently asked questions on asbestos. I’m not sure which WA agency would best help me with my asbestos query. See the Asbestos regulators and information sources brochure. What products might asbestos be found in? Asbestos cement products such as building materials ('fibro'),...
Alcohol and drugs can affect a person’s ability to work safely. This includes medicines that are prescribed or over-the-counter. Duties relating to drugs and alcohol Everyone in the workplace has work health and safety duties under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 . A person conducting a...
Alcohol and drugs



A safety checklist for workers using metal cutting guillotines.
28 May 2014
Demolition work is to be carried out in accordance with Australian Standard AS2601: The demolition of structures (AS 2601). If the work is not covered by or included in AS 2601, the work must be done...
23 Feb 2022
Persons wishing to obtain a HRWL must be assessed by a WorkSafe registered HRWL assessor for the class of HRWL required. The assessment is conducted using a nationally approved assessment instrument...
11 Nov 2019
Criteria for assessing applicants to become Registered WorkSafe Assessors authorised to issue notices of satisfactory assessment for high risk work on the basis of their National Police Clearance...
27 May 2014
Regulation 4.1 of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations defines a bridge crane as: 'A crane comprising a bridge beam mounted at each end to an end carriage, capable of travelling along...
Fact sheet
04 Dec 2023
The exposure standards listed in this publication represent airborne concentrations of individual chemical substances which, according to current knowledge, should neither impair the health of nor...
Guidance note
26 May 2014
These National Guidelines for Occupational Health and Safety Competency Standards for Operation of Loadshifting Equipment and Other Types of Specified Equipment [NOHSC: 7019 (1992)] have been...
Guidance note
26 May 2014
This guidance note identifies the specific roles of retailers, retail warehouse operators and suppliers in enabling them as employers to fulfil their obligations under the national model regulations...
Guidance note
26 May 2014
Hydrofluoric acid is very corrosive, highly irritating and poisonous. Hydrofluoric acid burns can be severe and extremely painful, causing extensive damage or even death. Uses Some uses and sources...
19 Oct 2020
Silica is a common naturally occurring mineral. This fact sheet provides information about where silica is found, silica hazards and risk management. What is silica and where is it found? Silica is a...
Fact sheet
14 Dec 2022



The Wageline Newsletter December edition was sent today to approximately 5,000 subscribers, and has been published on the Wageline website. This edition features information about the upcoming Christmas and New Year public holidays and what employers need to know about their employment obligations over this period, child employment laws and a range of other critical information for state system...
Labour Relations
Department News
10 Dec 2018
WA is now well into cyclone season, and businesses throughout the State have been reminded to ensure that contingency plans have been established and are in operation. WorkSafe WA Commissioner Ian Munns said today it was crucial that everyone on both sea and land knew what to do when there was a cyclone in the area. “Under workplace safety and health laws, employers must have adequate plans in...
Media release
07 Dec 2018
A proactive inspection program undertaken by WorkSafe to look at safety in specific types of retail outlet in WA has uncovered concerns with electricity, falls from height, manual tasks and emergency precautions. The program involved WorkSafe inspectors visiting retail stores including those selling clocks, craft goods, duty free, firewood, musical instruments, pets and pet accessories, swimming...
Media release
30 Nov 2018
If you are working or employing during the end of year period and you fall under the state industrial relations system it is important to understand public holiday entitlements and obligations. This season's public holidays are: Christmas Day, Tuesday 25 December 2018 Boxing Day, Wednesday 26 December 2018 New Year's Day, Tuesday 1 January 2019 Under the Hairdressers Award, Tuesday 25 December...
Labour Relations
Department News
11 Dec 2018
If you are working or employing during the end of year period and you fall under the state industrial relations system it is important to understand public holiday entitlements and obligations. This season's public holidays are: Christmas Day, Tuesday 25 December 2018 Boxing Day, Wednesday 26 December 2018 New Year's Day, Tuesday 1 January 2019. Under the Restaurant, Tearoom and Catering Workers...
Labour Relations
Department News
07 Dec 2018
If you are working or employing during the end of year period and you fall under the state industrial relations system it is important to understand public holiday entitlements and obligations. This season's public holidays are: Christmas Day, Tuesday 25 December 2018 Boxing Day, Wednesday 26 December 2018 New Year's Day, Tuesday 1 January 2019. Under the Shop and Warehouse (Wholesale and Retail...
Labour Relations
Department News
30 Nov 2018
During November 2018, Private Sector Labour Relations has been conducting an education campaign promoting compliance by nail salons operating in the state industrial relations system, to ensure employees were receiving their correct rates of pay and entitlements. Over 250 businesses across Western Australia were provided with information on the minimum conditions required for employees in this...
Labour Relations
Department News
27 Nov 2018
A proactive inspection program undertaken by WorkSafe to look at safety in WA’s pubs, taverns and bars has uncovered concerns with hazardous substances, manual tasks and emergency precautions. The program involved Inspectors visiting pubs, taverns and bars in Perth and regional areas of the State over a two-year period from July 2016 to June 2018. The program was prompted by a significant number...
Media release
26 Nov 2018
WorkSafe is conducting a proactive inspection program to look at safety issues in fuel retailing outlets across WA. The program will continue until the end of the 2018/19 financial year, and will include service stations selling all brands of fuel in metropolitan and regional areas of the State. WorkSafe Director Sally North said today an inspection program was being undertaken in this area...
Media release
22 Nov 2018
If you are working or employing during the end of year period and you fall under the state industrial relations system it is important to understand public holiday entitlements and obligations. This season's public holidays are: Christmas Day, Tuesday 25 December 2018 Boxing Day, Wednesday 26 December 2018 New Year's Day, Tuesday 1 January 2019 For award free employees, Tuesday 25 December 2018...
Labour Relations
Department News
20 Nov 2018


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