Health and safety representative


Asthma is a condition of the lungs where the airways to the lung narrow and cause symptoms of coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and chest tightness. The exact cause is unknown but it is often made worse or triggered by a number of factors in the person's environment. When asthma occurs as a...
Diseases and health
Dermatitis simply means inflammation of the skin. What is contact dermatitis? Contact dermatitis is an inflammation that occurs when a substance comes into contact with skin. The skin is irritated. This may be in the form of either an allergy or more commonly an irritant reaction. How does the skin...
Diseases and health
An RCD can save lives. RCDs will prevent electrocution by cutting the power to a circuit in the event of earth leakage. Following are descriptions and images of devices including RCDs, circuit breakers, combination RCD and circuit breaker, portable RCDs, and powerpoint RCDs. RCDs [scald=512:...
Residual current devices (RCDs)
The following information is about substances that meet the definition of 'hazardous chemicals’ in the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 and the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 (WHS Regulations). You must work safely with all substances in the workplace. ​Many...
Hazardous chemicals
Noise can damage your hearing if it’s too loud. It can also put you at risk by affecting your concentration or making it hard to hear the sounds you need to hear to work safely, such as instructions or warning signals. Overview Noise at work can be harmful to hearing, but hearing loss is...
Noise and vibration
Ototoxic chemicals are chemicals that result in hearing loss Introduction It is well documented that occupational noise exposure is a significant health hazard that leads to permanent noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and we have the National Exposure Standard for Occupational Noise to deal with...
Noise and vibration



In 2017/18, WorkSafe WA is conducting a proactive inspection campaign focusing on other store based retailing outlets, with a view to improving safety within the industry. The campaign will involve...
27 Nov 2017
Asbestos has recently been found in friction wear plates in the suspension systems of rail carriages. The new rail carriages were purchased between 2007 and 2014 and were imported from China. They...
08 Jan 2024
In 2014, the former Western Australian Government released a version of the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws (known as the “Green Bill” ) for public comment. 50 submissions were received...
31 Oct 2017
On 15 November 2016 Ali Burston and Frank Pansini presented at the WorkSafe and RiskCover Forum. This forum included: case study presentations from guest speakers; WorkSafe WA presenting the results...
29 Nov 2017
If there is bullying or conflict at your workplace, use the following four step process. Remember support is always available eg talk to a friend, your doctor or an counseller, or an advocate. Step 1...
01 Nov 2017
In May 2017 p resenters from both WorkSafe and the Health Department delivered an information session on asbestos health risks, the relevant legislation, and some common issues that arise in relation...
01 Dec 2023
Slips & trips are a serious issue in most workplaces and account for approximately 23.5% of all lost time injuries every year. Use the practical guide, toolbox talk and posters to assist you in...
24 Aug 2017
At the time the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations were developed a national Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) was developed by Safe Work Australia. An examination of that RIS showed that...
12 Jul 2017
WorkSafe WA Commissioner Lex McCulloch today (16/12/2015) provided information on the current status of the consultation process and development of the Work Health and safety (WHS) laws. “In August...
12 Jul 2017
EnergySafety and WorkSafe are calling for public comment on proposals to amend the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 and the Electricity (Licensing) Regulations 1991 to prohibit work on...
12 Jul 2017


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