Definitions The following are definitions from the Motor Vehicle Repairers Act 2003 and the Motor Vehicle Repairers Regulations 2007. Accessory When used in connection with a motor vehicle, includes an accessory originally fitted to the vehicle in the course of manufacturing the vehicle, but does...
Refunds of licence fees will be considered with reference to the particular circumstances, and the requirements of the Real Estate and Business Agents Act 1978 (“the REBA Act”) and associated Regulations. The Commissioner may in “special circumstances” refund the whole or part of any fee paid for a...
Consumer Protection regularly produces and updates publications about property industry laws and licensing. The below links will provide you with real estate specific information. Bulletins Real estate bulletins issue 63 - current Archive issues 1 - 62 (June 2011 - June 2014) Forms Application and...
Remote and regional participants can complete all of their CPD requirements online by contacting a training provider. Training providers contact are listed on CPD activities - settlement agents . You are considered to be remote if your principal place of business is more than 100km radius of Perth...
Guide to auditing trust accounts A guide to auditing trust accounts for motor vehicle dealers is now available for your convenience. Consignment trust accounts Before taking any vehicle under a consignment agreement, the dealer must be permitted to do so in accordance with their licence and have...
Key requirements under the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act As a licensed motor vehicle dealer you must: Ensure your licence is current and that you have a current certificate of authorised premises for your place of business. Ensure that the motor vehicle salespersons and yard managers you employ have a...
Motor vehicle salesperson's licence What is a motor vehicle salesperson? A salesperson is someone who is employed or engaged by or on behalf of a dealer to buy or sell motor vehicles. A salesperson's licence is needed if you: Buy or sell vehicles (e.g. write up purchase contracts). Complete sales...
Consumer Protection produces and amends legislation, codes of practice , guidelines, and general consumer information. Where public comment is being invited for state legislation, draft copies of the documents are placed on this page. Status: Closed 29 February 2012 Information on current...
The media team is the first point of contact for journalists and other members of the media wanting information about Consumer Protection and its activities. The media team: prepares media releases and speeches arranges media interviews organises launches promoting our products and objectives...
21 January 2021 In this issue: Recent impersonation scams affecting the property industry Changes to mutual recognition laws Impersonation scams affecting the property industry Consumer Protection...
21 January 2021 In this issue: Recent impersonation scams affecting the property industry Changes to mutual recognition laws Impersonation scams affecting the property industry Consumer Protection...
21 January 2021 In 2020, the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments agreed to introduce a uniform scheme for the automatic mutual recognition (AMR) of occupational registrations. The proposed...
Employers are required to ensure that where fitted respirators are required to protect health, these are correctly fitted. Examples of fitted respirators (also called respiratory protective equipment...
23 December 2020 Rent in advance guidelines Some renters have contacted us recently with concerns about receiving requests to pay more than two weeks rent in advance. So it’s a good time to remind...
The Digital DMIRS Strategy seeks to improve the department’s operations and service delivery through the effective use of technology. Some goals of the strategy are to modernise digital systems and...
23 December 2020 Amendments to the code of conduct Recent amendments to the Settlement Agents Code of Conduct 2016 (WA) (SA Code) bring the fee disclosure requirements in line with those under the...
17 December 2020 COVID-19 relief grant will help pay rent debt On 17 December 2020, the State Government announced an expansion of the Residential Rent Relief Grant Scheme . The phase three expansion...
9 December 2020 Changes to Compulsory Professional Development program In December 2019, bulletin 96 outlined some law changes including those affecting the Compulsory Professional Development (CPD)...
9 December 2020 Changes to Compulsory Professional Development program In July 2020, bulletin 225 outlined recent changes to the Compulsory Professional Development (CPD) program . These include the...