Small business and farmer


Warranties and consumer guarantees Consumers have rights under consumer guarantees, regardless of any other warranty provided by the supplier or manufacturer. Key points about warranties and consumer guarantees You must: fix a problem when goods fail to meet a consumer guarantee, even if the...
Guarantees and warranties
Reasonable time, if no time set A contract or agreement for the supply of services usually states when the services will be provided and the date they will be completed. If not, you automatically guarantee to supply the service within a reasonable time. What is ’reasonable’ will depend on the...
Guarantees and warranties
Services must achieve the consumer’s stated purpose You guarantee your services will be reasonably fit for any purpose specified by the consumer and that any products resulting from the services are also fit for that purpose. Example: A consumer asks for a key to be cut to fit his door and shows...
Guarantees and warranties
What services are covered by the consumer guarantees? Services that you provide in the course of your business or professional activity, including not-for-profit services, that cost up to $100,000*, regardless of purpose or use. *post 1 July 2021 or $40,000 pre 1 July 2021 Which services are not...
Guarantees and warranties
Manufacturers guarantee to take reasonable steps to provide spare parts and repair facilities, a place that can fix the consumer’s goods, for a reasonable time after purchase. If the manufacturer does not have an office in Australia, the importer takes on these responsibilities. Example: A consumer...
Guarantees and warranties
Title to goo ds Suppliers guarantee they have the right to sell the goods (clear title), unless the supplier alerted the consumer before the sale that they had ‘limited title’. If goods are sold with limited title, any other person with ownership rights—for example, a person owed money by the...
Guarantees and warranties
A supplier guarantees that the goods will do the job the consumer was told they would. The ‘fit for purpose’ guarantee A supplier guarantees that goods will be reasonably fit for any purpose that the supplier or the consumer specified – the goods will do the job the consumer was told they would...
Guarantees and warranties
Description of goods must be accurate Suppliers and manufacturers guarantee that the description of goods for example, in a catalogue or television commercial is accurate. This does not apply to goods bought at auction. Matching description If the goods do not match the description for example, the...
Guarantees and warranties
Acceptable quality Goods must be of an acceptable quality. Acceptable quality has a number of factors, including that the goods will be safe to use, and that they will be reasonably durable. Acceptable quality is determined by what a reasonable consumer fully familiar with the goods would regard as...
Guarantees and warranties
Whether you have to provide a refund, repair, replacement or compensation to a consumer for problems with goods or services depends on whether you have met consumer guarantees set by Australian law. You are responsible for understanding your legal obligations. Australia’s consumer protection...
Guarantees and warranties


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