Small business and farmer


Unsolicited supplies occur when goods or services are supplied to a person who has not agreed to purchase or receive them. There is no obligation by the consumer to pay for these. It is an offence for a supplier to: demand payment for goods or services if the recipient has not ordered them; or bill...
Door-to-door and telephone selling
Are you considering signing up with a group buying website to sell vouchers for your business offering goods or services at a discount online? Or have you already signed up and have customers seeking to redeem their vouchers now? If so, there are some things you may wish to consider. Websites...
Lay-by and gift vouchers
When goods fail to meet a guarantee , a consumer has a right to a ‘remedy’ – an attempt to put the situation right. Common remedies include repair , replacement or refund , and can involve action for compensation or damages . Suppliers The supplier has to provide the remedy when goods do not meet...
Returns and cancellations
You do not have to give a refund when a consumer simply changes their mind about the goods. But you can have a store policy to offer a refund, replacement or credit note when this happens. If so, you must abide by this policy. Also see our cancelling a service page.
Returns and cancellations
Whether you have to provide a refund , repair , replacement or compensation to a consumer for problems with goods or services depends on whether you have met consumer guarantees set by Australian law. You are responsible for understanding your legal obligations. Australia’s consumer protection...
Returns and cancellations
Status: Reports updated 23 October 2014 The information imbalance that often exists between landlords and tenants in lease negotiations is a common issue raised by retail tenants and tenant organisations. This issue has been the subject of consideration at both the national level by the...
The media team is the first point of contact for journalists and other members of the media wanting information about Consumer Protection and its activities. The media team: prepares media releases and speeches arranges media interviews organises launches promoting our products and objectives...
Contact Consumer Protection
The Parliamentary Counsel's Office publishes all Western Australian legislation. You can seach and download Acts and Regulations in PDF or Word format. You can download a document with a list of Acts by administering portfolios .
About us
Consumer Protection has at its disposal a wide range of enforcement options when dealing with breaches of fair trading legislation. Enforceable undertakings are just one of these options. An enforceable undertaking is a legally binding agreement where the trader or business agrees to do certain...
Enforceable undertakings
Consultation on unsolicited consumer agreements ( Door to door sales) Status: Closed 26 July 2013. Comments were sought on a proposal to amend the Australian Consumer Law (WA) to vary permitted calling hours for unsolicited consumer agreements – also known as door to door sales in 2013. The...


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