Contact WorkSafe
Tel: 1300 307 877
Email us
24 hour serious incident and fatality reporting line
Freecall: 1800 678 198
Mason Bird Building
303 Sevenoaks St
Cannington WA 6107
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Work health and safety is everybody’s business. We all have a role to play in keeping our workplaces healthy and safe.
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Following the 12th fatality in 12 months in the Western Australian agricultural industry, WorkSafe Commissioner Darren Kavanagh established an Inquiry and appointed an Independent Inquirer.
The Inquiry report into the agricultural industry in Western Australia and WorkSafe’s response has now been released.
WorkSafe plans to work with industry stakeholders, worker representatives and peak bodies to further drive work health and safety improvements in the sector, in line with the recommendations provided in the Inquiry Report.
For information on the inquiry visit Agricultural Industry Inquiry (
WorkSafe will be hosting booths at this year’s agricultural shows and field days across the State. Do you have a question about work health and safety? Call by and talk to one of our WorkSafe Inspectors.
Wagin Woolorama
Mingenew Midwest Expo
Dowerin Machinery Field Days
A series of podcasts produced for Safe Work Month with a focus on health and safety and include a number of farm safety topics. These podcasts are now available to be either downloaded from your favourite music streaming service or use the links below to listen on this device.
Subscribe for the latest workplace health and safety information including safety alerts, guidance, events and legislative updates.
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