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There are two types of demolition licence (Class 1 and Class 2). Each licence is valid for a period of three years and is endorsed with a number of conditions and legislation that relate to the way demolition work is carried out in Western Australia. The following frequently asked questions relates to the different classes of licence and specific obligations under the work health and safety laws in WA.
It is an offence to do any of the work described as Class 1 or Class 2 demolition work unless licensed to do the work.
'Class 1' means demolition work of any of the following kinds:
'Class 2' means demolition work comprising the total or partial demolition of a building or structure that is less than 10 metres in height when measured from the lowest ground level of the building or structure to the highest part of the building or structure but does not include -
'Licensed person', in relation to Class 1 or Class 2 demolition work, means a person who has been issued with a licence that allows that person to do that class of demolition work.
'Licence' means a licence issued under regulation 142S, that is, a person who satisfies the WorkSafe Western Australia Commissioner that he or she is able to do that class of demolition work in a safe and proper manner.
The WorkSafe Commissioner must be notified at least 5 working days before any Class 1 or Class 2 demolition work is intended to begin.
A copy of the notification form must be kept at the demolition site whilst the work is being done. A copy of Australian Standard AS 2601 The demolition of structures and a copy of the workplan required by the Regulations must also be kept at the site.
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