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Despite relatively few hours worked compared to many other industries, the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry has the highest number of work-related fatalities for the period 2012–13 to 2021–22p, with 46 fatalities.
The fatality frequency rate in the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry is four times as high as the industry with the second highest work-related fatality frequency rate (arts and recreation services), and over nine times as high as the overall rate across industries.
Eighty-five per cent (85%) of agriculture, forestry and fishing industry work-related fatalities occurred in the agriculture subdivision.
Examples of agriculture, forestry and fishing work-related traumatic injury fatalities 2012–13 to 2021–22p
Mechanism of incident subgroup | Fatalities |
Vehicle incident | 11 |
Being hit by moving objects | 10 |
Being hit by falling objects | 5 |
Being trapped by moving machinery or equipment | 5 |
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