Fatalities and injury statistics in agriculture

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Despite relatively few hours worked compared to many other industries, the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry has the highest number of work-related fatalities for the period 2012–13 to 2021–22p, with 46 fatalities.

The fatality frequency rate in the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry is four times as high as the industry with the second highest work-related fatality frequency rate (arts and recreation services), and over nine times as high as the overall rate across industries.

Eighty-five per cent (85%) of agriculture, forestry and fishing industry work-related fatalities occurred in the agriculture subdivision.

Examples of agriculture, forestry and fishing work-related traumatic injury fatalities 2012–13 to 2021–22p

  • A tree feller was fatally injured when a tree branch struck him.
  • A farmer was kicked by an animal, which fatally aggravated an existing medical condition.
  • A farm worker sustained fatal injuries when she was struck by a bull and crushed against a fence.
  • A farmer was repeatedly stung by bees while working and suffered a fatal reaction.
  • A farm hand was fatally injured when a hydraulically supported steel bucket he was working under fell.
  • A farmer was fatally injured after being thrown from a quad bike.
  • A fishing vessel sank resulting in the fatalities of all three workers aboard.
  • A farmer was fatally injured when he was caught in the wool press machine he was operating.
Top 4 mechanism of incident subgroups for work-related traumatic injury fatalities 2012–13 to 2021–22p
Mechanism of incident subgroup Fatalities
Vehicle incident 11
Being hit by moving objects 10
Being hit by falling objects 5
Being trapped by moving machinery or equipment 5


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