Mining and Petroleum Advisory Committee (MAPAC)

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The Mining and Petroleum Advisory Committee (MAPAC) is a tripartite body made up of employee, employer and government representatives as well as work health and safety experts.

What is the Mining and Petroleum Advisory Committee?

The Mining and Petroleum Advisory Committee was established under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 to provide advice to the Minister and to the Work Health and Safety Commission (WHS Commission). The MAPAC: 

  • is a consultative forum for work safety and health matters affecting the mining and petroleum industries; and
  • liaises with WorkSafe, a division of the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety that administers and enforces work health and safety laws in Western Australia. 

Who is on the MAPAC?

  • an independent chair nominated by the Minister; 
  • four independent members nominated by the Minister with expert knowledge of, and experience in, the mining and petroleum industries; 
  • four members nominated by prescribed bodies representing ‘persons conducting a business or undertaking’ (PCBU); 
  • four members nominated by the prescribed bodies representing ‘workers’(Unions WA);
  • two members nominated by the Minister who are government representatives; 

Current membership 

Chair - Dr Patricia Todd

Nominated by PCBU

  • Ms Rachel Jones (CMEWA)
  • Ms Michelle Gadellaa (CMEWA)
  • Mr Julien Davey (AMEC)
  • Dr Michael Hamblin (AEP)

Nominated by Unions WA

  • Mr Glenn McLaren 
  • Mr Gregory Busson
  • Ms Jennifer Craig (Worker member)
  • Mr Chris Nelson (Worker member)

Independent expert members

  • Ms Ivy Chen
  • Ms Melanie Cantwell
  • Ms Sabina Shugg
  • Ms Sally North, WorkSafe Western Australia Commissioner 

Government expert members

  • Mr Tony Robertson, Chief Inspector of Mines
  • Mr Iain Dainty, Chief Inspector of Petroleum Safety


The MAPAC meets every two months except in January.  Minutes of meetings are publicly available once they are confirmed (generally within six weeks).  Hard copies are available at the WorkSafe library and in electronic format (limited to the previous 12 months).

Annual reports

The first annual report of MAPAC will be in 2022/2023. The WHS Commission and MAPAC will jointly produce an annual report which will present information on the activities in accordance with the requirements of the Work Health and Safety Act (2020).

Commission for Occupational Safety and Health Annual reports 

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