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Notice for commencing mining operations or additional mining operations at a mine. This notice does not apply if only exploration activities will be carried out at the mine. Please refer to Exploration operations commencement notice - r.675UJ (2).
The mine operator of any mine is required to provide notice to the regulator no later than 45 days before the day on which mining operations commence at the mine.
Refer to rr. 675UC, 675UE of the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022.
Information required to be provided as part of this notice includes:
Depending on the nature of the mining operation, only the relevant part(s) of the application need to be completed. However, the items must be addressed in sufficient detail for the application to be properly assessed.
Additional information may be requested after the application is lodged under WHS (Mines) Regulations r.675UE.
All applications must be submitted through the SRS Submissions module.
After successful lodgement via SRS, the notice will be reviewed, the mine operator is not to commence mining prior to 45 days from the submission of the notice. The regulator must acknowledge receipt of the notice.
An SRS Company Administrator (CA) or a Company Representative (CR) can enter information into SRS. The CA can assign the role of CR to any person(s) you nominate to liaise with the Department regarding the submission.
Further information is available at Safety Regulation System (SRS)
The mine operator of any mine is required to provide notice to the regulator no later than 30 days before the day on which additional mining operations commence at the mine.
Additional mining operations include:
Additional mining operations do not include:
Refer to rr. 675UD, 675UC, 675UE of the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022.
Information required to be provided as part of this notice includes:
Depending on the nature of the mining operation, only the relevant part(s) of the application need to be completed. However, the items must be addressed in sufficient detail for the application to be properly assessed.
Additional information may be requested after the application is lodged under WHS (Mines) Regulations r.675UE
All applications must be submitted through the SRS Submissions module.
After successful lodgement via SRS, the notice will be reviewed, the mine operator is not to commence additional mining operations prior to 30 days from the submission of the notice. The regulator must acknowledge receipt of the notice.
An SRS Company Administrator (CA) or a Company Representative (CR) can enter information into SRS. The CA can assign the role of CR to any person(s) you nominate to liaise with the Department regarding the submission.
Further information is available at Safety Regulation System (SRS)
For SRS queries:
SRS Manager
Phone: 1300 307 877
Contact an inspector:
Phone: 1300 307 877
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