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Listed here are guidance materials and reports including inquiries into sexual harassment and guidance material to assist in keeping workplaces free from violence, harassment, discrimination and disrespect.
Codes of practice
The ‘Sexual harassment evaluation for mine workers tool'asks victim appropriate and sensitive questions that will direct individuals to agencies such as WorkSafe, mental health services, Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC), Fairwork, Western Australian Police, WorkCover and legal institutions, based on urgency and circumstance.
It consists of a short questionnaire, where the selected answers guide the person towards the most appropriate resources for their circumstances. Using the persons answers the tool filters out unnecessary resources, and individuals are able to self-guide themselves towards the most relevant information. The person is directed to the most relevant agencies in Western Australia, and seamlessly connects them with applicable information about support, legal rights and reporting.
Within the tool there is information which helps users to understand the appropriate resources available, the responsibilities and scope of all relevant stakeholders involved in a report of sexual harassment originating from the mining sector.
The tool is designed to reduce secondary victimisation and minimises the person repeating their traumatic experience multiple times to multiple agencies. The questions are trauma informed and are designed to be specific enough to correctly identify the relevant issue and agency, whilst being general enough not to prompt sensitive and potentially re-traumatising information from the affected person.
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