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The Work Health and Safety Commission has developed codes of practice which focus on different areas where psychosocial as well physical harms may be experienced in a workplace.
The Violence and aggression at work code of practice focuses on the general principles applied to the prevention and management of violence and aggression in the workplace. The intent of this code is to provide practical guidance for workplaces where people may be exposed to various forms of violence and aggression at work, including physical assault, sexual assault, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation and harassment, including sexual harassment.
Violence and aggression at work - WHS code of practice
The Workplace behaviour Code of practice focuses on the general principles applied to the prevention and management of inappropriate or unreasonable behaviour in the workplace. The intent of the Workplace behaviour Code of practice is to provide practical guidance for workplaces where people may be exposed to various forms of inappropriate or unreasonable workplace behaviour including bullying, harassment, violence and aggression, discrimination and misconduct.
Workplace behaviour - WHS code of practice
The Psychosocial hazards in the workplace code of practice focuses on the general principles applied to the prevention and management of psychosocial hazards in the workplace. The intent of this code is to provide practical guidance for workplaces where workers may be exposed to psychological and social hazards such as inappropriate behaviours, violence and aggression, and fatigue, stress and trauma, which can be harmful to their health.
Psychosocial hazards in the workplace - WHS code of practice
This code of practice provides guidance on creating and maintaining a mentally healthy workplace through:
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