Developing the laws

In 2017, work started on developing modernised work health and safety (WHS) laws in Western Australia which will be based on the national model Work Health and Safety Act (the model WHS Act).

Below are historical documents relating to the development of the WHS laws in Western Australia


2017 Call for public comment – live electrical work and work in roof spaces

2017 Minister announced Ministerial Advisory Panel on Work Health and Safety Reform

2018 Modernising Work Health and Safety laws in WA - Public comment announcement

2018 WA Modernising Work Health and Safety Act – Submissions – closed 31 August 2018

2018 Archive Progress of the Ministerial Advisory Panel 

2019 Development of modernised Work Health and Safety Bill - Government announcement

2019 Review Process Summary – Develop Work Health and Safety Regulations for Western Australia - closed 26 November 2019

2019 Submissions - Work Health and Safety Regulations

2019 Workplace safety laws tabled in parliament - Media statement - Work Health and Safety Bill 2019

2019 November 2020 - Work Health and Safety Act 2020 receives assent

2020 Work Health and Safety Bill 2019 passed though Parliament - Work Health and Safety Act 2020

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