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We all have the right to enjoy our home. Quiet enjoyment is the right for both you and your neighbour/s to occupy, use and enjoy your homes in reasonable privacy without interruption.
Overall, your lessor (landlord) or property manager shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying your property in complete peace, privacy and comfort.
Having said this there are a few exceptions where lessors have the legal right to enter premises. These relate to their right to conduct inspections or undertake necessary repair work. In those circumstances it is compulsory for the lessor to use Form 19 – Notice of proposed entry to notify the tenant.
The lessor may enter the premises if:
Entry can only occur between 8 am – 6 pm on a weekday, 9 am – 5 pm on a Saturday, or any other time agreed between you and the lessor. Providing the lessor has attempted to find a time that does not unduly inconvenience you, given you proper notice and you have not attempted to make alternative arrangements with them, they can use their spare key to gain entry even if you’re not home at the time.
Tenants have the right to be present when inspections or repair work are being done on the property they are renting. They have the right to negotiate a mutually agreeable time with the landlord. Tenants cannot unreasonably delay inspections or repairs where the delay could cause additional issues. In addition the landlord must not stay, or permit others to stay, on the rented property longer than is necessary without first getting the consent of the tenant.
Tenants are entitled to be present at home opens for prospective purchasers or tenants.
If lessors don’t give proper notice or have some other legal right under the Residential Tenancies Act 1987 to enter the property, tenants can ask for it not to happen again, serve a notice on the lessor for not keeping to the agreement or seek an order from the Magistrate's Court about acceptable access.
If your real estate agent takes photos of your possessions, and you are worried about your privacy, what can you do?
If photographs or video recordings are taken at the time the property inspection or other required activity by the lessor, it is recommended that all photographs or video recordings are sighted, signed and dated by all parties. The photos taken should not depict anything beyond what is necessary. You should ask if the property manager intends to take photos and ensure personal items are put away before the visit. Photographs and/or video recordings are not a substitute for accurate written descriptions of the condition of the property
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner created the below video which highlights privacy rights. Please note this was developed by a national government agency and does not cover specific WA's tenancy laws.
Is my real estate agent allowed to take photos in my house?
Tenancy laws (can) cover when your real estate agent is allowed to take photos in your house, and it is best practice for them to consult you about this.
If the agent collects personal information, such as images of photos or diplomas, they must handle it in accordance with the Privacy Act.
You should complain to the real estate agent if you feel they have mishandled your personal information. If you are not satisfied with their response, you can complain to our office for free.
For other concerns you should contact your State or Territory rental tenancy association.
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