National licensing (NOLs) in Western Australia review 2013

National licensing (NOLs) in Western Australia

On 13 December 2013 the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) decided not to proceed with national occupational licensing.

Status: Closed 30 September 2013

Information session

A public information session on the current status of the national occupational licensing system proposals was held on Friday 13 September 2013 at the Lecture Theatre, Challenge Stadium, 100 Stephenson Avenue, Mt Claremont.

A copy of the PowerPoint presentation from this session can be downloaded here.

2013 Decision RISs

The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) National Licensing Steering Committee has prepared Decision Regulation Impact Statements (DRISs) for the Wave 1 national licensing occupations.

Wave 1 national licensing occupations are: electricians, gas-fitters, plumbers, property agents and refrigeration and air-conditioning mechanics.

The DRISs’ purpose is to inform a decision by the Standing Council for Federal Financial Relations (SCFFR) later in 2013 on the approach to national licensing for each occupation. This standing council is made up of the Commonwealth, State and Territory treasurers.

The DRISs outline the preferred approach to national licensing for each occupation; the policy options that have been considered; and why the preferred option has been recommended.

A DRIS is normally considered a final policy document; however, following the COAG decision of 19 April this year to allow for additional state-based consultation, the options recommended in each Decision RIS are not agreed policy. The DRISs are one element of a package of advice that will go to the ministers who sit on SCFFR. SCFFR will make the final decision on a national licensing approach.

Consultation in Western Australia

The Western Australian Department of Commerce is undertaking consultation on the DRISs in Western Australia and will advise the State Government on the outcome of that consultation.Departmental representatives met with key occupational licensing groups in Western Australia during August 2013 to discuss the DRISs.

Depending on demand and capacity, the department may conduct some information sessions on the DRISs. Information on any sessions will be published on this page and anyone who has notified their interest in attending an information session with the department will be contacted direct.

The closing date for submissions to the consultation on National Occupation Licensing System Decision Regulation Impact Statements was extended to Monday 30 September 2013.

Survey now closed.  No further submissions will be accepted. 

Consultation Regulation Impact Statements (CRISs)

In September 2012, the department undertook public consultation on an earlier set of draft policy proposals set out in Consultation Regulation Impact Statements (CRISs) and draft legislation.  

Feedback from the national consultation process was used to develop the DRISs.

Video recordings of the overview session and the associated presentation material as PowerPoint slides are embedded below. 

Presentation material: National Occupational Licensing Proposals – WA consultation


Overview of the proposed scheme, structure and administrative arrangements. Proposed timeline, pathway for introduction and future role of state governments in occupational licensing.

Property occupations

Real estate sales agents, strata managers, auctioneers, impact on fees, licence terms and removal of professional development requirements.

Electrical, plumbing and gas fitting trades.

Presentation slides

All the presentations, available for download in Microsoft Powerpoint format.

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