Private sector employers and employees
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The Area and Scope and Definitions clauses of the state Farm Employees Award have been updated to expand the coverage of this WA award to a broader range of farm employees and their employers.
This change, which is effective from 21 November2023, was made as part of a process being undertaken by the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission to update the scope of a number of private sector WA awards.
The key change to the coverage of the Farm Employees Award is that it will now more broadly cover employers and employees in the farming industry, including:
Additionally, the coverage of the Farm Employees Award is likely to be extended to the dairy industry at a later date.
The previous scope clause gave coverage only to employees who were employed on certain types of farm property.
Other amendments to the area and scope clauses ensure that the award:
The Order varying the Farm Employees Award will be available on the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission website in due course.
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