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Mason Bird Building
303 Sevenoaks St
Cannington WA 6107
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Petroleum and geothermal operations have an additional notifiable requirement to report ‘notifiable occurrences’
A ‘notifiable occurrence’ is an unplanned event or situation that results in, or has the potential to result in, injury, ill health, damage or loss. An incident should first be assessed to determine whether it is a notifiable incident, and if it is not, then whether it is a notifiable occurrence.
Notifiable occurrences and an extended list of dangerous incidents are defined in the Work Health and Safety (PAGEO) Regulations 2022.
The definition of ‘notifiable occurrences’ includes the following:
Reporting of notifiable occurrences can be done online. If you cannot complete the interactive form, complete the Environmental and reportable incident/non-compliance reporting form.
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