Mines and mine sites have an additional reporting requirement to notify ‘reportable incidents’.
A ‘reportable incident’ for mining operations is an unplanned event or situation that results in, or has the potential to result in, injury, ill health, damage or loss. An incident should first be assessed to determine whether it is a notifiable incident, and if it is not, then whether it is a reportable incident.
Reportable incidents are defined in the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022. All data relating to reportable incidents must be included in the quarterly work health and safety report provided to the regulator.
Report an incident to WorkSafe - poster
The Report an incident to WorkSafe poster is a quick reference guide to reporting a death, serious injury or illness, or life-threatening dangerous incident.
Download now
The definition of ‘reportable incidents’ includes the following:
- an incident that results in illness or injury that requires medical treatment;
- a significant seismic event;
- extensive subsidence;
- an air blast in an underground mine;
- an unplanned event that causes only 1 exit from an underground mine to be available for use;
- damage to any plant, building or structure so as to impede its safe operations;
- damage to, or failure of, any part of a winding system, mine shaft conveyance, mine shaft or shaft plant;
- control is lost over a vehicle or other plant, or it unintentionally activates, moves or fails to stop;
- plant makes contact with an energised high voltage source;
- an accidental ignition or detonation of explosives;
- a delayed or fast ignition of explosives;
- fly rock from a blast—
- lands near a person;
- is ejected outside the area cleared of people during the blast; or
- an unplanned immersion of a person in liquid;
- a thing in an underground mine spontaneously combusts;
- a person is adversely affected by an exposure to a toxic substance, including a gas, fumes, a vapour or poison;
- a person loses consciousness because of a workplace incident;
- a person attempts suicide at a mine or a place associated with a mine, including at accommodation for a worker at the mine;
- a workplace incident that could have caused serious harm to a person, plant or structure.
Do you need notify WorkSafe of a reportable incident ?
Online reporting of reportable incidents can be done through Safety Regulation System